Is it possible to configure bash vi mode so that initially it is in command mode instead on insert mode? I find that I have to press Esc far too much. It seems that there is possibility to specify this in zsh, but I have not found a way to do this in bash/readline.

4 Answers 4


I don't think it is possible using the standard GNU Readline Library.

However, you may be able to use xdotool for a simple hack to achieve the same effect. Appending a command to your .bashrc that simulates an Escape keypress would ensure that your term opened in command mode:

xdotool key Escape

You might want to use a slight delay, with the --delay switch, to prevent it from munging your prompt...

Note this is likely to introduce more frustration than you expect: terminals are designed to accept input; breaking that (albeit only slightly) may not prove such a good idea...


The answer is no. The relevant bash source file is bashline.c


I take it back, this doesn't work with the cursor movement. It works, but with the funny behavior, if you take those out: PS1="$PS1 ^[

Change your PS1 prompt:

PS1="test $ \[^[[s^[^[[u\]"

Where ^[ is a literal escape (Ctrl+V Esc).

The escape on its own in the middle changes to command mode, the ^[[s and ^[[u escapes store and restore the cursor position; without that, I found there was some funny behavior.


try set +o vi

set -o vi will take into editing mode again.


  • That doesn't work: it turns vi mode off...
    – jasonwryan
    Commented Dec 1, 2011 at 8:41
  • yeah I tried. Right. I can think of this -- using vim, change the cmap (reference :help mode-switching in vim) for Esc key. Default equivalent mapping for Esc is Ctrl + ] Commented Dec 1, 2011 at 8:55

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