I have tried everything here but I'm stumped. I'm trying to use the downloadonly plugin for yum to download some RPMs and their dependencies but not install them. After installing the plugin, I will run the following command:
yum install --downloadonly --downloaddir=/rpms/ zlib.i686
It goes through the normal yum process, and then says "exiting because --downloadonly specified" after the Downloading packages part.
However, I can't find where the heck the packages get downloaded to! When I specify the download directory, it actually creates the folder if it doesn't exist, but then I go into the packages subfolder and there's nothing displayed.
I have tried editing the keepcache=1 in the yum.conf file, and then just not specifying the download directory, but it does the same thing.
I have tried both of the suggestions in here (because I am really after downloading the RPMs and all of their dependencies) Download all dependencies with yumdownloader, even if already installed?
Still nothing.
CentOS6.5 btw.
option? Does it download to your current location?strace yum install --downloadonly zlib.i686 2> /tmp/yumdownload.txt
. Once theyum
command is complete, search the/tmp/yumdownload.txt
file for the download location (e.g.grep "^stat.*\.rpm" /tmp/yumdownload.txt