For shell scripting, I sometimes in-source the shell equivalent of sysexist.h
with shell-reserved exit codes (prefixed with S_EX_
), which I've named
It's basically:
EX_OK=0 # successful termination
EX__BASE=64 # base value for error messages
EX_USAGE=64 # command line usage error
EX_DATAERR=65 # data format error
EX_NOINPUT=66 # cannot open input
EX_NOUSER=67 # addressee unknown
EX_NOHOST=68 # host name unknown
EX_UNAVAILABLE=69 # service unavailable
EX_SOFTWARE=70 # internal software error
EX_OSERR=71 # system error (e.g., can't fork)
EX_OSFILE=72 # critical OS file missing
EX_CANTCREAT=73 # can't create (user) output file
EX_IOERR=74 # input/output error
EX_TEMPFAIL=75 # temp failure; user is invited to retry
EX_PROTOCOL=76 # remote error in protocol
EX_NOPERM=77 # permission denied
EX_CONFIG=78 # configuration error
EX__MAX=78 # maximum listed value
#System errors
S_EX_ANY=1 #Catchall for general errors
S_EX_SH=2 #Misuse of shell builtins (according to Bash documentation); seldom seen
S_EX_EXEC=126 #Command invoked cannot execute Permission problem or command is not an executable
S_EX_NOENT=127 #"command not found" illegal_command Possible problem with $PATH or a typo
S_EX_INVAL=128 #Invalid argument to exit exit 3.14159 exit takes only integer args in the range 0 - 255 (see first footnote)
#128+n Fatal error signal "n" kill -9 $PPID of script $? returns 137 (128 + 9)
#255* Exit status out of range exit -1 exit takes only integer args in the range 0 - 255
And can be generated with:
echo "# Generated from \"$src\""
echo "# Please inspect the source file for more detailed descriptions"
< "$src" sed -rn 's/^#define *(\w+)\s*(\d*)/\1=\2/p'| sed 's:/\*:#:; s:\*/::'
#System errors
S_EX_ANY=1 #Catchall for general errors
S_EX_SH=2 #Misuse of shell builtins (according to Bash documentation); seldom seen
S_EX_EXEC=126 #Command invoked cannot execute Permission problem or command is not an executable
S_EX_NOENT=127 #"command not found" illegal_command Possible problem with $PATH or a typo
S_EX_INVAL=128 #Invalid argument to exit exit 3.14159 exit takes only integer args in the range 0 - 255 (see first footnote)
#128+n Fatal error signal "n" kill -9 $PPID of script $? returns 137 (128 + 9)
#255* Exit status out of range exit -1 exit takes only integer args in the range 0 - 255
$(which kill) -l |tr ' ' '\n'| awk '{ printf "S_EX_%s=%s\n", $0, 128+NR; }'
I don't use it much, though, but what I do use is a shell function that inverses error codes to their string formats. I've named it exit2str
. Assuming you've named the above
, the code for exit2str
can be generated with (
) :
echo '
case "$1" in'
./ | sed -nEe's|^(S_)?EX_(([^_=]+_?)+)=([0-9]+).*|\4) echo "\1\2";;|p'
echo "
I use this in the PS1
of my interactive shell so that after each command I run, I can see its exit status and its string form (if it does have a known string form):
[15:58] pjump@laptop:~
[15:59] pjump@laptop:~
(0=OK)$ fdsaf
fdsaf: command not found
[15:59] pjump@laptop:~
(127=S_NOENT)$ sleep
sleep: missing operand
Try 'sleep --help' for more information.
[15:59] pjump@laptop:~
(1=S_ANY)$ sleep 100
[15:59] pjump@laptop:~
(130=S_INT)$ sleep 100
[1]+ Stopped sleep 100
[15:59] pjump@laptop:~
To get these, you need an insourcable for the exit2str function:
$ ./ > #Place this somewhere in your PATH
and then use it in your ~/.bashrc
to save and translate the exit code on each command prompt and display it your prompt (PS1
# ...
PROMPT_COMMAND='lastStatus=$(st="$?"; echo -n "$st"; str=$(exit2str "$st") && echo "=$str"); # ...'
# ...
It's quite handy for observing how some programs follow the exit code conventions and some don't, for learning about exit code conventions, or just for being able to see what's going on more readily.
Having been using it for some time, I can say that many system-oriented shell scripts do follow the conventions. EX_USAGE
is particularly quite common, although other codes, not much. I try to follow the conventions from time to time, although there's always $S_EX_ANY
(1) for lazy people (I am one).