I am working on a remote Debian Jessie server. I have started a screen session, started running a script, then been disconnected by a network timeout.
Now I have logged in again and want to resume the session.
This is what I see when I list screens:
$ screen -ls
There are screens on:
30608.pts-8.myserver (11/03/2015 08:47:58 AM) (Attached)
21168.pts-0.myserver (11/03/2015 05:29:24 AM) (Attached)
7006.pts-4.myserver (10/23/2015 09:05:45 AM) (Detached)
18228.pts-4.myserver (10/21/2015 07:50:49 AM) (Detached)
17849.pts-0.myserver (10/21/2015 07:43:53 AM) (Detached)
5 Sockets in /var/run/screen/S-me.
I seem to be attached to two screens at once.
Now I want to resume the session I was running before, to see the results of my script:
$ screen -r 30608.pts-8.myserver
There is a screen on:
30608.pts-8.OpenPrescribing (11/03/2015 08:47:58 AM) (Attached)
There is no screen to be resumed matching 30608.pts-8.myserver.
Why I can't I re-attach?
I have the same problem with the other screen:
$ screen -r 21168.pts-0.myserver
There is a screen on:
21168.pts-0.OpenPrescribing (11/03/2015 05:29:24 AM) (Attached)
There is no screen to be resumed matching 21168.pts-0.myserver.