I just wrote a script that generated hundreds of files and stored them in a directory ~/foo. These files are ~/foo/X-file where X ranges from X=1 to X=900. My problem is that I would like to view these files in numerical order, but the files are not padded with zeros. Thus the directory contains 17-file and 544-file for example. Is there a way to pad these files with leading zeros?

3 Answers 3

cd ~/foo
for i in *-file; do
    padnum=$(printf '%03d' $num)
    mv -v "$i" "${padnum}-file"

Something along these lines should do it. Modify as necessary for precise patterns and directories.


If you have the Perl rename utility (often called prename, not the more primitive Linux one):

rename -v 's/^([0-9]-)/00$1/; s/^([0-9]{2}-)/0$1/' *-file
  • The first regular expression replaces single digits with two zeros (2->002)
  • The second one replaces two digits with with one zero (33->033)

The following should work in bash if run in the directory you care about.

for x in [0-9]*-file ; do mv $x `printf %03d-%s ${x%-*} ${x##*-}` ; done

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