First and foremost, if you have directories in /home
then you want to copy them somewhere first.
Make a note of the permissions and ownership so that you
can make sure that they are the same when you move them.
Normally you will see /home permissions as 0700
# ls -lah /home
drwx------ 4 user.user 4.0K Oct 11 21:58 user
If you need to format the partition ext4 then use:
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda6
Then to umount the current /home directory mapping use:
umount /home
You can verify by using the command df
use the -f switch to force if you have to. ie. umount -f /home
Then when you have that done, use:
mount /dev/sda6 /home
Copy your directories to /home that you backed up.
If you have to you can use the following to set them back to what they were:
chown -R user.user /home/user
chmod 0700 /home/user
Now edit your fstab accordingly!
Your new /dev/sda6 should now map to /home when you reboot
if you changed the mapping in /etc/fstab appropriately.
was not mounted after editing/etc/fstab
and rebooting? Perhaps you should show us your/etc/fstab
? Have you runfsck
? Can youmount
the filesystem manually?fstab
, including what you tried.