I have this command:

cat somefile >file1 >file2

After I executed this command I can't figure out why file1 has nothing in it. It should have the output of the first file (somefile), but nothing is in it.

Can you explain to me why it does not copy or write my output from somefile? (file2 contains my output, but file1 contains nothing)

  • A > redirects the output to a file, period. Use tee(1) if you want to duplicate output to a file and send it on.
    – vonbrand
    Commented Jan 3, 2016 at 1:21
  • In sh and bash (and probably others) you can open multiple output files like so: cat somefile >file1 3>file2 4>file3. This means you start the program with two extra files opened as fileno 3 and fileno 4. Of course,cat will ignore those, but it can be useful if you want to have different log files, for example, or you're somehow splitting the input in 3 parts, etc. Commented Jan 18, 2020 at 0:59
  • The question here is "WHY doesn't this work as I expected?", NOT "how to make it work?" the alleged duplicate asks. None of the answers there explain why multiple redirections work as they work, so none of the answers there answers this question. "Fixing" this by answering this question there makes no sense because that question absolutely does not ask what this question asks. The two questions are related and linking them is a good idea (in terms of "linked" in the right column →), but they are not duplicates. I'm voting to reopen. Commented Sep 22, 2023 at 5:32

4 Answers 4


I think there's a difference between how you think shell redirection works and how it really does.

Except in zsh (which implements a tee-like behaviour behind the seen when output is redirected more than once), you cannot redirect the output of the shell multiple times and expect it to be redirected to all the locations you've specified. Instead, it will only be redirected to the last location, which in your case is file2. The answer by Chaos provides a decent explanation on how such I/O Redirection works.

What you really want to do is:

$ cat example.txt | tee file1 > file2

tee is a program that reads from the standard input and writes to multiple file descriptors. One of them is always the standard output. So we use tee to write the output to file1 and then redirect its stdout to file2.

Also, based on suggestions in the comments, this is a better way to do what you're looking for:

$ tee file1 < example.txt > file2

That approach has the advantage that it redirects the stdin instead of trying to read over a pipe. That means that the shell now needs to spawn one fewer process. It also eliminates what is known as "Useless use of cat". By placing the output redirection after the input redirection, we avoid the output files being clobbered if the input file cannot be opened.

  • 4
    Better, tee file1 >file2 <example.txt Commented Oct 9, 2015 at 20:31
  • 1
    I much prefer the cat ... | tee approach. Maybe the cat is useless, but it is much easier for me to follow. Is your system really so constrained that firing off an extra cat process is going to be an issue??
    – Brandin
    Commented Oct 10, 2015 at 13:26
  • 1
    I agree that the cat ... | tee approach is cleaner. Also, a system is barely ever so constrained that it cannot handle the extra call to cat. It's however another option.
    – darnir
    Commented Oct 10, 2015 at 14:04
  • If you really want a clean tee command, write it as < example.txt tee > file1 file2 This can be translated to the human saying of "Using example.txt tee it to file1 and file2"
    – Ferrybig
    Commented Oct 10, 2015 at 15:20
  • 1
    @roaima: I presume the cat is not really a UUOC but a placeholder for some more complicated command. (Anybody who actually wanted to copy the contents of a file to two other files would just use cp twice.) Omitting it obscures the general principle being used. Commented Oct 10, 2015 at 19:03

What you did, is called I/O-Redirection. >file redirects the standard output (stdout) to the given file. In you case you did that 2 times. The shell doesn't handle a redirection of the same output multiple times .

In this case:

cat somefile >file1 >file2

The shell processes the redirections before the command (cat somefile) is executed. That means the > truncates file to zero length, because you override the files content. The file must be empty before the shell can execute the command. This is done with both > redirections.

Now, the second one (>file2) overrides the first one (>file1), because the shell processes the redirection in order of appearance. So, the last one is the one that will effectvely be used. The output of cat somefile will therefore be redirected to file2 and file1 will be truncated to zero length.

Redirecting stdout to multiple processes/files can be done with tee like this:

cat somefile | tee file1 file2 file3 fileX

This will print the contents to stdout and to all files given as paramters.

  • Oh, it handles redirection of the same output multiple times. It's just doesn't handle it the way the OP expected it to. ;-) (You actually describe well how it's handled.) Commented Oct 9, 2015 at 21:52
  • 4
    It might be better to do something like tee <somefile >file1 file2, since cat somefile | tee file1 file2 file3 fileX dumps the contents of somefile to your terminal and doesn't really need the cat call. Commented Oct 10, 2015 at 1:34
  • Note that zsh can be used with multiple >file{1,2,3} and it works as if you used tee. Commented Jan 18, 2020 at 0:53

In zsh with MULTIOS option set (as it is by default), you can use:

cat somefile >file1 >file2

as in that case, zsh performs an action similar to tee behind the scene. Or even:

<somefile >file1 >file2

as the default value of $NULLCMD, the command run when there are redirections without command happens to be cat.

cat somefile >file1 >file2

Without redirections cat somefile would inherit stdin from the shell. Usually stdin of a shell is not closed, it already points to some file. A terminal is also a file. When you run cat somefile in an interactive shell whose stdout is your terminal, the output of cat goes to the terminal. In general the stdout of the shell may be something else, irrelevant, cat will inherit it anyway.

What cat somefile >file1 does is it makes the shell:

  • try to open file1 for writing (it creates the file if it's not already there) and to truncate it to zero size (if possible); this happens before cat is started;
  • set up file1 as stdout for the future cat, so the cat will use file1 instead of what it would use without the redirection (you don't expect cat somefile >file1 to also write to your terminal, right?).

The redirection redirects. :) The current direction is "to the terminal", the new direction is "to file1". The new direction is taken instead of the current direction and the new direction becomes current.

The shell parses redirections from left to right. In case of cat somefile >file1 >file2 the shell first handles >file1 in the way described above. Then it handles >file2 in the same way: it opens and truncates the file, and sets up "to file2" for the future cat instead of the current direction which at this point is already "to file1". This way "to file2" replaces "to file1" and becomes current, exactly like "to file1" replaced "to the terminal" a moment ago.

You can add more >fileN redirections and each one will be handled in the described way. Assuming each one succeeds, the last one will win. In your case >file2 wins.

After all the redirections are handled, cat is started. Your cat sees file2 as its stdout and it's not even aware file1 was involved in any way. The truncation of file1 is a "side effect", it's only because >file1 has been parsed by the shell, it has nothing to do with cat.

You can use this mechanism to create/truncate one or more files: : >file1 >file2 … will try to truncate the files. : is a no-op, it doesn't even use its stdout. Creating and truncating happens when the shell handles the redirections before starting :.

This is how output redirections work in sh and compatible shells. The MULTIOS option in zsh (see this other answer) is different: the first redirection replaces the old direction (e.g. the terminal) while consecutive redirections add directions. How it happens under the hood, I won't elaborate. I just want to point out that the behavior you observed emerges from the fact in sh (or in a compatible shell) each >fileN is handled independently, one after another; but in zsh there's a mode where it treats multiple output redirections more like a unit.

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