$ bash -version
GNU bash, version 4.3.11(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
Consider the following shell script:
declare -A PROVS=( ["NL"]=10 ["PE"]=11 ["NS"]=12 ["NB"]=13 ["QC"]=24 ["ON"]=35 ["MB"]=46 ["SK"]=47 ["AB"]=48 ["BC"]=59 ["YK"]=60 ["NT"]=61 ["NU"]=62 )
for key in "${!PROVS[@]}" ; do \
touch "foo_${key}_${PROVS[${key}]}" ; \
I'm attempting to do the equivalent in a Makefile:
SHELL := /bin/bash
.PHONY: foo
declare -A PROVS=( ["NL"]=10 ["PE"]=11 ["NS"]=12 ["NB"]=13 ["QC"]=24 ["ON"]=35 ["MB"]=46 ["SK"]=47 ["AB"]=48 ["BC"]=59 ["YK"]=60 ["NT"]=61 ["NU"]=62 )
for key in "$${!PROVS[@]}" ; do \
touch "foo_$${key}_$${PROVS[$${key}]}" ; \
I don't really want to touch
the files; I'm doing this because I can't @echo
-- the @ won't be seen as being at the beginning of the line because I'm in a loop. Or that's what seems to be happening.
Anyway, the point is that the loop doesn't appear to be running at all, hence the touch
business. The content of the shell script above is exactly what make
echoes to the terminal. I added the shebang and ran it as a sanity check -- works like a charm.
Using a regular array works fine:
for prov in NL PE NS NB QC ON MB SK AB BC YK NT NU ; do \
However, I need those codes (10, 11, etc.) as well.
Anyone have insight to this?
Although I don't require it, I'd also like to know how (or if it's possible) to assign the PROVS variable at the top of the file while also using "declare -A".
EDIT: I'd somehow messed up the Makefile example so that it was just some inline shell commands, and no longer a recipe. I've added back the "foo:" target to clarify.