I am building a custom ISO for CentOS 7 and for now I am just intending for this to be an absolute minimal install (a proof of concept basically).
I am re-creating the ISO via using mkisofs, the only additional file that I have added to the minimal installation is a custom ks.cfg found within the root of the iso.
The command I entered is:
mkisofs –o /Custom-CentOS7.iso –b isolinux/isolinux.bin \
–c isolinux/boot.cat –no-emul-boot –boot-load-size 4 \
–boot-info-table –J –R –V “Custom CentOS 7 64-Bit Minimal”
This successfully created the iso and allowed me to mount it in the optical drive of VirtualBox. Upon installation I am receiving an error within the rdsosreport.txt that says: localhost dracut-initqueue[581]: Warning: Could not boot. localhost dracut-initqueue[581]: Warning: /dev/root does not exist
I'm a little lost on where to investigate further as all I am trying to do is load a very simple kickstart file to get Linux to do a one-button install. Once I get this implementation in place then I will progress onto adding packages, post-install and perhaps some Puppet fun.