The case is as this, I create many files, and after the file generation, I use stat to get the all files info under the directory.
The purpose is to purge all the files which are old than the specific days.
But I got a ERROR after the file generation.
The code is like this:
//generate files
DIR *dp;
struct dirent *dirp;
struct stat buf;
time_t now;
const char* fileName;
now = time(NULL);
if((dp = opendir(outputDir.c_str())) == NULL)
WARNING("Fail to open directory: " << outputDir<< ", errno=" << ERRNO());
while(dirp = readdir(dp))
fileName = dirp->d_name;
if(!strcmp(fileName, ".") || !strcmp(fileName, "..")) continue;
int ret = stat(fileName, &buf);
WARNING("Fail to get info for files "<< fileName <<" via stat, errno=" << ERRNO());
if(now - buf.st_mtime <= days * 24 * 3600) continue;
int rret = unlink(fileName);
WARNING("Fail to remove file "<< fileName <<" , errno=" << ERRNO());
I got a ERROR during this line:
int ret = stat(fileName, &buf);
The errno is 2, No such file or directory. But I checked file, it does exit, and I flush the stream after the file writing.
Any one knows the cause? Thanks.