File 1: (text1.txt
Row_Added_Ts Count
01/01/14 2022448
02/01/14 8345155
03/01/14 8663852
04/01/14 6785739
05/01/14 5279913
File 2: (text2.txt
Row_Added_Ts Count
01/01/14 211
02/01/14 1598
03/01/14 1710
05/01/14 5279913
06/01/14 7953261
Output File:
Row_Added_Ts Count Row_Added_Ts Count Difference
01/01/14 2022448 01/01/14 211 2022237
02/01/14 8345155 02/01/14 1598 8343557
03/01/14 8663852 03/01/14 1710 8662142
04/01/14 6785739 04/01/14 0 6785739
05/01/14 5279913 05/01/14 5279913 0
06/01/14 0 06/01/14 7953261 -7951831
The requirement is to combine 2 files and fill the rows with 0
where there is no match. Also do the difference of Count in the final Output File.
I had tried to combine with join
and awk
commands, but didn't get the desired output.
join -j 2 -o 1.1 1.2 2.1 2.2 text1.txt text2.txt
awk 'BEGIN {FS = OFS = "/t"}
NR == FNR {f[$1] = $0 next}
{print f[$1] $0}' text2.txt text1.txt
Also join
with sort
is not working in sh
, ksh
or bash
join -t$'\t' -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 -e 0 -o 0,1.2,0,2.2 text1.txt text2.txt | awk 'OFS="\t"{$5=$2-$4}1'
Thanks a lot for your help