I am writing a PKGBUILD for Arch Linux. The package is large and compressing/uncompromising it take considerable time for limited space savings and I would like to turn it off while I am writing the PKGBUILD. If I do

PKGEXT='.pkg.tar' makepkg

I get an uncompressed package. I cannot manage to pass PKGEXT to the clean chroot used by makechrootpkg. For example,

PKGEXT='.pkg.tar' makechrootpkg -cur $chroot

leads to an xz compressed package. I believe makechrootpkg calls makepkg as

sudo -u $SUDO_USER env SRCDEST="$SRCDEST" BUILDDIR="$builddir" \
        makepkg --config="$copydir/etc/makepkg.conf" --verifysource -o

Is there a way to pass PKGEXT so that it is seen by makepkg?

1 Answer 1


Just put it somewhere inside the PKGBUILD but outside of prepare(), build() and package().

When done just remove it.

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