I have a file with a list of emails in it and each line has an email in it. I want to remove lines that contain the string example.com or test.com.

I tried this:

sed -i 's/example\.com//ig' file.txt 

But it will remove only the string example.com, how can I remove the entire line?

3 Answers 3


With GNU sed:

sed '/example\.com/d;/test\.com/d' -i file.txt

will remove the lines with example.com and test.com.

From man sed:

d      Delete pattern space.  Start next cycle.
  • 1
    This will also delete line contain example (or test) follow by any character then com. Example echo 'exampleAcom' | sed '/example.com/d'
    – cuonglm
    Commented Aug 21, 2015 at 18:12
  • Gah, silly me absent-mindedly not escaping the dot. Thanks for noticing!
    – Walther
    Commented Aug 21, 2015 at 18:16

POSIXly, you can use grep:

grep -Eiv '(example|test)\.com' <in >out
  • 2
    Be careful not to use the same file for input and output, or it will be truncated before grep can read it. Commented Aug 21, 2015 at 18:25

Your regex only matches example.com and sed replaces only example.coms with empty string. Your regex should match any line containing example.com or test.com

sed -i 's@.*\(test\|example\)\.com.*@@i' file.txt
  • Your answer does not delete matching lines; it only makes them blank. – It also does not handle case insensitive text (as per the OP's example). –. The g is redundant/meaningless, because sed‍'s regex is greedy and therefore the leading and trailing .* will cause the 1st occurrence of a text match to match the entire line. ‍
    – Peter.O
    Commented Aug 21, 2015 at 23:40
  • Thanks for feedback. I haven't paid attention to case sensivity. g is my habit, you are right, it is not neccesary. Also I thought, blanking line was what OP wanted. Now everything is clear. Thanks
    – Esref
    Commented Aug 22, 2015 at 6:13

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