There is Linux server that shares a folder with Windows client but there're also Linux client machines. I am using KDE and can mount from Dolphin and then do with files and folders as permissions allows:


But i need to mount the way i can access it as a regular path(from console, LibreOffice, mail client etc) and on any DE.

mkdir /media/sambaShare
smbclient --user=username -L  //server_address

This part works, it shows me Samba server, what folder is shared etc.

mount -t cifs //server_address/share_folder_name -o username=username /media/sambaShare

And it seems it mounts everything ok. But when i try to access the folder i get:

cannot open directory /media/sambaShare/: Permission denied

It allows accessing as root but not user. How come via Dolphin i can access as a user but regular way mounting doesn't work? I created the same group on client as in server that can access that folder and as user finally i could went into that folder and see other folders but no further. I can even add files but not edit them.

I'm using Samba Server 3.6.3 on Ubuntu server 12.04 Client machine Kubuntu 14.04

1 Answer 1


You probably need to add the uid=your-user-id option to your mount command. You may also need to add forceuid to ignore the user IDs coming from the server (Samba offers a SMB extension to make Unix permissions work as expected; only Unix-like clients request it.) There are similar options for the group ID (gid & forcegid).

Why? Since normal mounts are system-wide, your local kernel is enforcing permissions. Otherwise, any user on the system could access the share. The default, if you don't pass uid/gid is the user who ran mount—most likely root.

See the mount.cifs man page for all the CIFS-specific mount options.

  • Thank you it worked! Didn't have to go as far as forcegid, passing uid & gid was enough. Commented Aug 18, 2015 at 13:14

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