I just read about powernap here but don't know how to install it..

Download and untar was simple:

axel https://launchpad.net/powernap/trunk/2.20/+download/powernap_2.20.orig.tar.gz && tar -xvf powernap_2.20.orig.tar.gz

Content of powernap_2.20.orig.tar.gz:

|-- /actions
|    `-- ..
|-- /bin
|    `-- ..
|-- /man
|    `-- ..
|-- /powernap
|    `-- ..
|-- /powerwake
|    `-- ..
|-- /sbin
|    `-- ..
|-- action
|-- ChangeLog
|-- config
|-- config_migrate.py
|-- powernap.spec
|-- powernap-ethtool
|-- powerwake_completion
|-- powerwake.conf

1 Answer 1


Well @stevepusser from forums.debian.net helped me :)

The trick is to create a package from the ppa. The official tutorial with much more details can be found here: debian/wiki/CreatePackageFromPPA

But to install powernap you should follow these steps:

- Install the Debian SDK: apt-get install devscripts build-essential

- Add the PPA source url to your sources.list:

  1. Find the deb-src by "Adding this PPA to your system" > "Technical details about this PPA"
    For powernap it's https://launchpad.net/~powernap/+archive/ubuntu/ppa
  2. Add the source to your source lists:
    echo "deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/powernap/ppa/ubuntu utopic main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/powernap.list
  3. Add the keys to your system:
    apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys <signing key>
  4. IMPORTANT!! Update your sources:
    apt-get update
  5. Create a folder for the *.deb files:
    cd ~ && mkdir powernap && cd powernap
  6. Build your files:
    apt-get source --build powernap

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