I have created one Linux CentOS 6 instance in Amazon EC2 and installed cPanel on it and started running my websites there. The issue I face was when I try to FTP to the instance with the following config
IP : Instance IP
Username : centos
Password : Blank
Mode : SFTP
SFTP Key : Private KEY (PEM) Provided by Amazon EC2 dashboard
I got to view only
But I want to view the main directory which is back to home directory
When I tried to click
in FileZilla it says
"Permission Denied"
So I tried the following
vipw /etc/passwd
and changed
centos:x:1000:1000:Cloud User:/home/centos:/bin/bash
centos:x:1000:1000:Cloud User:/ :/bin/bash
and even to
centos:x:1000:1000:Cloud User: :/bin/bash
However , after this change FTP stopped logging in
Finally, I reverted back to
centos:x:1000:1000:Cloud User:/home/centos:/bin/bash
Kindly guide me to achieve this.