So just to sketch the outlines of this problem, i made an cronjob that should be executed on each full hour like this: 0:00, 1:00, 2:00. In all the manuals/tutorials i found on the internet they say putting in a crontab like this would do the trick:
0 * * * * echo "HourlyCronJobTest" > /home/sajvanderzeeuw/myCRON.txt
Unfortunately this does not work. Every other number of minutes does work. E.g. the job below which creates the text file at every 35 minutes of the hour. 0:35, 1:35 etc etc.
35 * * * * echo "HalfHourCronjobTest" > /home/sajvanderzeeuw/myCRON2.txt
So there is a easy way to circumvent this by simple doing it at 1 minute past the hour. But i just wonder if someone can show me why this happens.
uname -a
(in place of"0 * * * *"
)0 * * * *