Ok, this is hard to distill to a single question because it really depends on how I'm going to troubleshoot it.

The following script is meant to pipe mount.cifs commands to a while loop that enters password for three password prompts. The commented out blocks are attempts to debug the fact that it isn't responding to the prompt.


printf "How many atoms are there in the universe?\nAnswer:"
read -s $pwd
echo -e "\nThanks.\n"
while read prompt ; do
#     printf "prompt = $prompt" > /dev/stdout
#     ${prompt//"\n"/"\\n"}
#     printf "prompt is" >foo
    if [ "$prompt" = "Password: " ]; then
    echo -e "$pwd\r\n" > /dev/stdin
done < <(
    sudo mount.cifs "// Music" /home/pi/Desktop/Music -o     user=Rob_
    sudo mount.cifs "// Videos" /home/pi/Desktop/Videos -o     user=Rob_
    sudo mount.cifs "// Pictures" /home/pi/Desktop    /Pictures -o user=Rob_

The 'prompt' variable does not seem to meet the condition, but the debug printouts are being swallowed up even after manually redirecting to /dev/stdout?

If someone could at the very least tell me how I can print debug info in this scenario I would be grateful, and if they want to tell me how to solve this problem outright (preferably by the method I was shooting for, but if you have a more elegant one I'd be interested to see it) then I'd appreciate that, too.

EDIT: For the record I'm aware that you can supply the password directly to the command, I'm just doing this as a test for myself.

2 Answers 2


I've since tried tackling the problem from a different angle, using the 'expect ' command. However the following fails to work:

spawn sudo mount.cifs "// Pictures" /home/pi/Desktop/Pictures -o user=Rob_
expect "Password: " {
    set send_slow {1 .1}
    send -s "a_password"

It responds to the password prompt by typing it in, but fails to mount the drive, so I'm not sure where the input is going to. I can supply any old garbage with 'send' and it happily closes without an error message, whereas if I enter the command from the shell it either protests that the password is wrong or mounts successfully.

I'll upload this as a separate question if noone answers here.


There are multiple reasons:

  • Your debug printf didn't work, because mount prints its prompt to the terminal, not stdout. read prompt failed and the loop was never entered.

  • You are trying to echo the password to /dev/stdin. This will not work, you can only read from it.

  • the mount's stdin is still connected to the terminal. There is no way to emulate user typing in terminal

  • Even if you make mount's stdin be a pipe, for security reasons mount will still detect the terminal and read from it, not pipe

What you actually need is a password file. Read man mount.cifs:


You can try to supply a fake password file using bash command substitutuon:

credentials=<( echo "password=$pwd" )
  • As far as I can see a password file is itself a security liability. I want it so that an actual human has to type in the password (and only once, despite there being three prompts)
    – Rob F
    Commented Jul 2, 2015 at 22:46
  • @RobF You can try to supply a fake password file
    – basin
    Commented Jul 3, 2015 at 6:20
  • The original question was mainly about why the debug printf's that were commented out weren't showing in the console. As to the password file; it seems a password supplied through PASSWD_FILE (with the proper formatting, I didn't make that mistake), PASSWD, the password= parameter in the options; all get ignored and I get prompted for the password anyway!? I can also enter any garbage as the credentials file and it won't show an error.I might want to look into this as a separate problem if you don't know the answer...
    – Rob F
    Commented Jul 3, 2015 at 7:22
  • @RobF Your debug printf didn't work, because mount prints its prompt to the terminal, not stdout
    – basin
    Commented Jul 3, 2015 at 7:53
  • read prompt failed and the loop was never entered
    – basin
    Commented Jul 3, 2015 at 7:54

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