I wander how to disable event sounds in kde5 Plasma (the one that is heard when scrolling the volume in systray for example).
I use Plasma in Opensuse 13.2 but this is KDE specific methinks.
These are the available settings (after answer):
In recent Plasma 5, search "Audio Volume" in the application launcher and, under 'Applications' tab, disable 'Notification Sounds'.
In some Plasma versions the above doesn't work, as I now see in Kubuntu 17.10. The Audio Volume tool looks different and notifications sounds is already muted.
To stop the volume scrolling sound etc in this case, I have unmuted, and moved the slider to zero, and muted again. Something is buggy here though, as the slider is in fact always stuck to zero, and only the mute/unmute button does the work.
In this case I have noticed that a different tool can be used: pavucontrol-qt
After using this, the bug mentioned (slider stuck to zero in "Audio Volume") disappeared.
to set volume > 0 since it was stuck also in main control but the the program I am using, Hexchat, is still not making any sounds.
Apr 14, 2020 at 20:41
On KDE Plasma 5.22, Open System Settings, navigate on the menus to this place: and click the "Configure Events" button. This window will popup: here you can disable/change the system sounds on an individual basis.
in kde5, as root:
cd /usr/share
mv sounds sounds.backup
It's very annoying, isn't it? I haven't found a way to disable it but muting it is easy. Fire up kmix, scroll down "Event Sounds" to the bottom. Job done.
I think I've been able to resolve this by switching to the Gstreamer audio backend instead of VLC. Once I switched backends, Kmix showed a new "PCM" slider which seems to affect notification sounds.