i have hp pavillion g6 running manjaro, the keyboard looks like this, i broke both shift, the left ctrl and the caps lock... hmm while trying to clean it...
i don't really care about ctrl, the other one is still working, nor about caps lock, coz i don't usually get angry online. i want to remap a shift key to the print key, next to the right alt, if you see it.
been told that xmodmap could do that but it's somehow complicated to use and i haven't find the code to the key i want to swap and they say the software slows down pc boot time by 30s and stuff, so i want another solution unless of course you can do it without slowing down boot time.
and i also tried autokey, but that thing is kinda useless, i mean you can't map all keys, and i'm not gonna map a key that i use, and useless keys like the print key doesnt seem they work, anyway i export it to my github and will work on it in my free time, for now i need something that works.