Is there a convenient way to get information on all btrfs filesystems subvolumes without resorting to C, i.e. in POSIX shell ?
contains info only on filesystems, nothing on subvolumes, so currently i end up mounting all filesystems in a temp folder, scanning them with btrfs subvol list
, then parsing the resulting output.
Needless to say, that is fairly ugly.
This is with a 3.16.x kernel and btrfs-progs v3.14.1 (from stock Ubuntu 14.10).
Below is the (ugly) script I'm currently using. I know I could get the info I need using pure C, and that's probably what I'll end up doing, but I was wondering if there was a simpler, more elegant way.
for i in /sys/fs/btrfs/*[!features]; do
device="/dev/$(basename $i/devices/*)"
mountpoint=/var/lib/btrfs/tmp/mnt/$(basename "$i")
[ -d "$mountpoint" ] || mkdir "$mountpoint"
grep -qs $mountpoint /proc/mounts
[ $? -ne 0 ] && mount -v "$device" "$mountpoint"
while read -r subvol; do
# whatever you want
done < <(btrfs subvolume list "$mountpoint")
umount $mountpoint
rmdir $mountpoint
line 15: syntax error near unexpected token `done'
andline 15: ` done < <(btrfs subvolume list "$mountpoint")'