I'm trying to transform some data to a percent of the total of each column, very similar to this thread except that I need to do this for every column: Calculate and divide by total with AWK

Data would like something like this (but more columns and rows):

ID     Sample1     Sample2      Sample3
One      10          0            5
Two      3           6            8
Three    3           4            7

And the desired output would look like this:

ID     Sample1     Sample2     Sample3
One     62.50        0.0        25.0
Two     18.75       60.0        40.0
Three   18.75       40.0        35.0   

The following works for a single column, but I want to do this for every column, except the first one.

gawk -F"\t" '{a[NR]=$1;x+=(b[NR]=$2)}END{while(++i<=NR)print a[i]"\t"100*b[i]/x}' file.txt 

Thanks a lot for any help you might be.

1 Answer 1


Not 100% the same output as you asked, but hopefully close enough:

function percent(value, total) {
    return sprintf("%.2f", 100 * value / total);
    label[NR] = $1
    for (i = 2; i <= NF; ++i) {
        sum[i] += col[i][NR] = $i
    title = label[1]
    for (i = 2; i <= length(col) + 1; ++i) {
        title = title "\t" col[i][1];
    print title
    for (j = 2; j <= NR; ++j) {
        line = label[j]
        for (i = 2; i <= length(col) + 1; ++i) {
            line = line "\t" percent(col[i][j], sum[i]);
        print line

Produces output:

ID    Sample1 Sample2 Sample3
One   62.50   0.00    25.00
Two   18.75   60.00   40.00
Three 18.75   40.00   35.00

Run it with gawk -f script.awk file.txt

Of course, you could flatten the script to a single line, but I think it's better to keep it in a script file like this so it's easier to read and maintain.

A simpler and better version that works with BSD AWK too, not only GNU AWK:

function percent(value, total) {
    return sprintf("%.2f", 100 * value / total)
BEGIN { OFS = "\t" }
NR == 1 { gsub(/ +/, OFS); print; next }
    label[NR] = $1
    for (i = 2; i <= NF; ++i) {
        sum[i] += col[i, NR] = $i
    for (j = 2; j <= NR; ++j) {
        $1 = label[j]
        for (i = 2; i <= NF; ++i) {
            $i = percent(col[i, j], sum[i])
  • Thanks janos, this indeed does work for this sample data. But I actually have more columns and rows, is it possible that this could be more general, i.e. do the exact same function independent of the number of columns? As I will need to run this on files that have different numbers of columns, sometimes 20, sometimes 200, etc. Again, thanks for your help.
    – jpalmer
    Commented Dec 21, 2014 at 16:54

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