I am trying to replace multiple words in a file by using
sed -i #expression1 #expression2
Something 123 item1
Something 456 item2
Something 768 item3
Something 353 item4
Output (Desired)
anything 123 stuff1
anything 456 stuff2
anything 768 stuff3
anything 353 stuff4
I can get the following output by using sed -i
two times.
sed -i 's/Some/any/g' file
sed -i 's/item/stuff/g' file
Can I have any possible way of making this as a single in-place command like
sed -i 's/Some/any/g' -i 's/item/stuff/g' file
When I tried the above code it takes s/item/stuff/g
as a file and tries working on it.
sed - i 's/Some\(.*\)item/any\1stuff/' file