Just curious as to why 8 numbers are accepted as a password in linux (CentOS if it matters) and not 8 characters on a non-dictionary word.

It's 10 vs 26 per digit after all. (52 counting CaSe SeNsItIvE)

2 Answers 2


It all depends on pam settings. If someone required at least 1 number in password it would match 8 digits but not 8 letters - it is very common requirement as people do choose highly secure password like name of wife ;) and name of wife + number have higher security.

It is not inherit property of Linux or unix and admin can easily change it.


Looking at obscure.c from the shadow- sources, we find:

 * The scam is this - a password of only one character type
 * must be 8 letters long.  Two types, 7, and so on.

I expect that the design decision had a lot to do with the social engineering factor that forcing people to invent arbitrarily difficult passwords is a great way to have them tape it to their screen.

The password "goodness" measure is coded to do things like

     * Invoke Alec Muffett's cracklib routines.

and other such measures if the system builder desires them. From this I conclude the authors very likely understood what they were doing when considering the issue broadly.

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