I'm a long time KDE user, never seen GNOME since may be Mandrake Linux 10 something. Yesterday I took a look at GNOME Shell on Youtube and thought it may worth a look.
It actually is worth, but I can't figure out one moment.
I've got a shell script that used to run on my KDE Laptop installations for ages:
synclient |grep -E 'TapT|RightB|EdgeScr'|awk '{print $1}'|while read item; do synclient $item=0; done
synclient VertScrollDelta=-111
synclient HorizScrollDelta=1
synclient RightEdge=999999999
synclient TopEdge=0
synclient CircularScrolling=0
synclient BottomEdge=999999999
synclient RightButtonAreaLeft=9999999
synclient ClickFinger3=2
synclient HorizScrollDelta=0
synclient HorizTwoFingerScroll=0
This disables right-click, all taps, inverts scroll directions, disables horizontal scrolling and stuff. Touchpad menu nor in KDE neither in gnome doesn't allow this kind of configuration. (TBH, only Mac of all the operating systems has the gui to set up touchpad exactly like that :)).
I can't figure out, how do I run this after gnome shell session starts? I've already tried this with no results:
[1] % cat /home/neko/.config/autostart/script.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Name="Auto stuff"
GenericName="Auto startup stuff"
Comment="Synclient mostly"
Any other suggestions,please? Thank you.
file executable?+x
. Open~/.config/autostart
in Nautilus and double click yourscript.desktop
, you will be prompted to "mark as trusted" (which is equivalent tochmod +x