When I install Linux Mint (Mate, Qiana) I like to make Mate panel more wide (or may be "higher"). Default it is near 20 pixels. I make it, for example, 45 pixels. I can easy set it by right button click mouse on the panel.
Now I want to make file with all my preferences that I use to install in Linux. There will be commands for Terminal (command line). And I need help with mate-panel settings.
I found that I can set size of mate-panel in dconf editor:
org - mate - panel - toplevels - bottom
size 45
Question: How to make the same in command line?
NB! This "size" is not simple value. Perhaps it is part of list of values. I can see in dconf in "org - mate - panel - general" value toplevel-id-list is equal 'bottom'. Its description is:
"A list of panel IDs. Each ID identifies an individual toplevel panel. The settings for each of these panels are stored in /apps/panel/toplevels/$(id)".
So must I to edit this list?