I'm trying to install PySide on CentOS 7.

Seems pretty straightforward, enable EPEL repo, and install. Except that EPEL doesn't seem to contain a PySide package (yum install python-pyside fails with no package available).

Is there another repo that contains this package?

Annoyingly, PyQt does exist and installs easily...


2 Answers 2


There is no "python-pyside" package in EPEL 7: http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/7/x86_64/repoview/letter_p.group.html

I have solved this with pip install, however you may need to install some prerequisites first.

1) install RPM packages:


2) if you qmake program is not "/usr/bin/qmake" you may need to do something like this:

sudo ln -s /usr/bin/qmake-qt4 /usr/bin/qmake

3) install pyside via pip (this will take some time for build to complete):

sudo pip install pyside
  • This: sudo yum install qt-devel cmake python-devel python-pip gives this error: Error: Unable to find a match: qt-devel python-devel python-pip
    – Frank
    Commented Nov 9, 2020 at 13:08
  • @Frank, This answer was written for CentOS 7. Which OS and which version are you using?
    – scrutari
    Commented Nov 9, 2020 at 13:32

I did not see any official packages for this in any of the normal CentOS repositories so you'll likely have to download the source package and attempt to rebuild it yourself.

I would start with the Fedora 21 version of the package available here:

Once downloaded you can use rpmbuild to rebuild it, assuming you have the necessary compilation environment stood upon a CentOS 7 system.

  • Thanks for verifying. Building the RPM requires generatorrunner-devel, which also doesn't exist in the CentOS 7 repo. I think it'll probably be easiest to rebuild pyside myself, or maybe even rebuild the app in PyQT
    – FrozenKiwi
    Commented Oct 12, 2014 at 18:54
  • buiding from source was surprisingly painless- for others, clone the BuildScripts repo and build using that (instructions here qt-project.org/wiki/Building_PySide_on_Linux)
    – FrozenKiwi
    Commented Oct 12, 2014 at 19:45

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