I'm beginning to use Arch Linux and wanted to explore the AUR repository. Because of this motivation, I learned two things immediately.

  • Ext3 can support only 32000 sub-directories. (I ran into cannot create dir error.)
  • Ext4 can support up to 64000 sub-directories.

However, after clone the project in tmpfs, I learned there are over 65000 directories in the project! Thus, even with ext4, it will not be able to handle this properly.

What are people's choice when coming to selecting file systems for managing AUR-mirror (with large amount of sub-directories)?

  • 2
    Can you provide a reference for the EXT4 limit of 64k directories? A short test with mkdir {1..70000} seems to work.
    – Marco
    Commented Oct 6, 2014 at 20:00
  • Why exactly do you wish to keep an AUR mirror with you locally? The AUR is extremely large, and it is highly unlikely that you will use even 1% of the packages listed on it. I'm assuming that you have some misunderstanding of what the AUR is and how it works.
    – darnir
    Commented Oct 7, 2014 at 18:08

1 Answer 1


I think you are confusing the ports system. You don't want to clone the entire AUR repo Im sure. So if your question is which file system I use ext4. Some like btrfs. There are others for encryption but stick with one of those for now.

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