Is it possible to find out which ssh key was used to access an account? I have an account on a server that I let several (trusted!) people have access to via ssh. I'd find it useful to be able to know who logged in and when. I have root access so I can look at the logs, but there doesn't seem to be anything there. Is there some configuration switch that will put some way of identifying the key in the logs?
It would be amazingly useful to be able to find out which key was used to authorize the current session - in my case, for access control on a Mercurial repository accessed through a shared login. All the existing techniques involve threading the identity through a command option, which is a bit clunky.– Tom AndersonCommented Jun 28, 2011 at 16:28
5There's an OpenSSH feature request about this: Please add pubkey fingerprint to authentication log message– SteffenCommented Apr 29, 2013 at 7:59
Centos mechanism:…– jhfrontzCommented Nov 27, 2018 at 18:07
In case someone wants to detect the currently used ssh key from within the current ssh session you may have a look at my answer to a similar question on serverfault. I post this as a comment here because it’s not the same question, just highly related.– Daniel FaberCommented Feb 6, 2022 at 11:47
7 Answers
If you go into the sshd config file (usually /etc/ssh/sshd_config
) and change the LogLevel directive to VERBOSE:
LogLevel VERBOSE can see something like this in the logs:
Jun 24 22:43:42 localhost sshd[29779]: Found matching RSA key: d8:d5:f3:5a:7e:27:42:91:e6:a5:e6:9e:f9:fd:d3:ce
Jun 24 22:43:42 localhost sshd[29779]: Accepted publickey for caleb from port 59630 ssh2
From man sshd_config
Gives the verbosity level that is used when logging messages from
sshd(8). The possible values are: QUIET, FATAL, ERROR, INFO, VER-
BOSE, DEBUG, DEBUG1, DEBUG2, and DEBUG3. The default is INFO.
DEBUG and DEBUG1 are equivalent. DEBUG2 and DEBUG3 each specify
higher levels of debugging output. Logging with a DEBUG level vio-
lates the privacy of users and is not recommended.
That looks promising. The fingerprint then tells me which key is used. Great, thanks. Commented Jun 24, 2011 at 20:12
For printing fingerprint of current session:
sed -ne "/sshd.$PPID.:.*matching DSA key/{s/^.* //g;p;q}" /var/log/auth.log
Commented Dec 31, 2012 at 13:00 -
3@F.Hauri, Unless I'm missing something, wouldn't that return the wrong thing if a PID is reused for a second SSH session? It looks like it will always return the earliest fingerprint for the given PID in auth.log rather than the latest. Commented Jul 29, 2014 at 21:48
2This will only list the fingerprint. If you want to get fingerprint, you can run
ssh-keygen -E md5 -lf /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
. Commented Apr 1, 2018 at 2:52
Somewhat similar to @user37161's answer. If the shared account is running a custom shell and the shell needs to know what user is there, then running the "wrapper" script might not be sufficient, since information there isn't passed into the custom shell except through methods that could cause race conditions.
Instead you can use the environment=
option in authorized_keys file to set an environment variable, which the custom shell can then read.
Inside your .ssh/authorized_keys
file, prepend each line with an environment variable set, like the following:
environment="REMOTEUSER=jrhacker" ssh-rsa ....
environment="REMOTEUSER=jbloggs" ssh-rsa ....
Then the custom shell, or any of the various rc scripts, can read the $REMOTEUSER
variable and take the appropriate action.
However, note that if you're using a standard shell, then the logged-in user is capable of modifying the file to thwart various things. Also, there is some risks in allowing users to set environment variables such as LDPRELOAD
. See the sshd_config
documentation about PermitUserEnvironment
Some scripts for proper installation
There is a full useable method to track/log ssh connections by key with expention to username.
In addition to @Caleb's answer, I would like to share some little tricks there:
Note: I'm working on Debian 6.0.
Server installation
SSHD Log level
First ensuring that server config has sufficient logging level:
as root, this will set and active verbose logging:
sed '/^[^#]*LogLevel.*\(QUIET\|FATAL\|ERROR\|INFO\)/{s/^/# /;h;s/$/\nLogLevel VERBOSE/};${p;g;/./!{iLogLevel VERBOSE'$'\n;};D}' -i /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Could be written:
sed '
s/^/# /;
s/$/\nLogLevel VERBOSE/
}' -i /etc/ssh/sshd_config
or in a sed script:
#!/bin/sed -f
s/^/# /;
s/$/\nLogLevel VERBOSE/
Which could be run as:
patchSshdConfigLogLevel.sed -i /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Then for activating this:
service ssh restart
Syslog: making fingerprints user readable
Now take fingerprints in user readable file:
echo ':msg, regex, "Found matching .* key:" -/var/log/sshdusers.log' \
> /etc/rsyslog.d/ssh_key_user.conf
echo ':msg, regex, "Accepted publickey for" -/var/log/sshdusers.log' \
>> /etc/rsyslog.d/ssh_key_user.conf
service rsyslog restart
Try to (re-)login from ssh to ensure new file sshdusers.log
is created (and contain something), then
chmod 644 /var/log/sshdusers.log
Last step: making them rotate.
Add in /etc/logrotate.d/
cat >/etc/logrotate.d/sshdusers <<eosshdusers
/var/log/sshdusers.log {
rotate 3
touch /var/log/sshdusers.log
chmod 644 /var/log/sshdusers.log
This will print current sessions's fingerprint:
sed -ne "/sshd.$PPID.:.*matching .SA key/{s/^.* //g;h};\${x;p}" /var/log/sshdusers.log
sed -ne "/sshd.\($(($(ps ho ppid $PPID)))\|$PPID\).:.*\(Accepted publickey\|matching .SA key\)/{s/^.* //g;h};\${x;p}" /var/log/sshdusers.log
Plug-in for .bashrc
And finally, there is a little add-on to put at the end of your /etc/bash.bashrc
or user's .bashrc
umask 077
ssh_tempdir=$(mktemp -d /tmp/ssh-id-XXXXXXX)
cd $ssh_tempdir || exit 1
sed -ne "/sshd.\($(($(ps ho ppid $PPID)))\|$PPID\).:.*\(Accepted publickey\|matching .SA key\)/{s/^.* //g;h};\${x;p}" /var/log/sshdusers.log
for ((ssh_i=1;ssh_i<=$(wc -l <$HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys);ssh_i++));do
export ssh_line="$(sed -ne ${ssh_i}p <$HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys)"
echo "$ssh_line" >tempKey
export ssh_lFp=($(ssh-keygen -l -f tempKey))
if [ "${ssh_lFp[1]}" == "$ssh_crtFp" ] ;then
export SSH_KEY_USER=${ssh_line##* }
rm -fR $ssh_tempdir
umask $ssh_oUmask
unset ssh_lFp ssh_line ssh_i ssh_crtFp ssh_tempdir ssh_oUmask ssh_oPwd
so after re-login from SSH, you will see:
set | grep ^SSH
SSH_CLIENT=' 43734 22'
SSH_CONNECTION=' 43734 22'
Note On some installation, the authorized key file maybe something differently named, like $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys2
When this was published I was under GNU/Linux Debian 6, but this work quite same under Debian 7... Commented Jan 29, 2014 at 16:55
This is linked to Record bash_history to private database for all users Commented May 9, 2014 at 12:03
1@AlexNorth-Keys extensions under UN*X are generaly technicaly unseless, as we prefer use mime and
for knowing file types. But as for human who browse filesystems, having extensions
, or even.png.b64.gz
is usefull! Commented Nov 3, 2017 at 8:33 -
1@kos command
will store current pattern space into hold space.g
hold space into current pattern space, andx
command will exchange content of hold space with content of current pattern space. Seeinfo sed
. In this use case, I wait upto last line to ensure job done, or adding one more line. Commented Mar 25, 2022 at 5:35
Suppose that users "joe" and "deb" have access to account "x". Then in account x's .ssh_authorized_keys
you add the lines:
command='wrapper joe' joe public key
command='wrapper deb' deb public key
Also in the wrapper script you can do anything you want, logging that joe's private key has been using ssh
at a particular date & time with command $ORIGINAL_COMMAND
On fedora 20+ the login attempts and successes are saved in /var/log/audit/audit.log . This log saves the login attempts (failures and successes), and the key fingerprint used for login attempt is saved in the field named fp.
You can compare the logged in key fingerprint with the fingerprints in the authorized_keys by running it line by line through ssh-keygen -l
A detailed explanation with respect to ssh logins and their security and intrusion detection is here:
You can try this:
ssh-add -L | awk '{ print $2 }' | xargs -i grep '{}' ~/.ssh/authorized_keys | head -n 1
This will:
ssh-add -L
: List public keysawk '{ print $2 }'
: Get just the fingerprintxargs -i grep '{}' ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
: With each key, check which one is onauthorized_keys
head -n 1
: Get only the first one
Arguably more precise and less cpu intensive:
ssh-add -L | awk 'NR==FNR { k=$2;next } /^#/{next} $2==k { print $3;exit} $3==k {print $4;exit} ' - ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
– OtheusCommented Jun 30, 2019 at 21:40
In addition to @F. Hauri answer, I prepare useful "LoggedIn prompt".
One additional file is optional ($HOME/.ssh/users):
kszumny@laptop kszumny
kszumny@comp2 kszumny
tom@laptop tom
chris@workstation1 chris
chris@workstation2 chris
This part should be pasted to /etc/profile
(for all users) or to ~/.bashrc
pids=`ps fx | grep "sshd:\s" | awk '{print $1}'`
for uid in $pids
ssh_crtFp=`sed -ne "/sshd.$uid.:.*matching .SA key/{s/^.* //g;p;q}" /var/log/sshdusers.log`
for ((ssh_i=1;ssh_i<=$(wc -l <$HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys);ssh_i++));do
export ssh_line="$(sed -ne ${ssh_i}p <$HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys)"
echo "$ssh_line" >tempKey
export ssh_lFp=($(ssh-keygen -l -f tempKey))
if [ "${ssh_lFp[1]}" == "$ssh_crtFp" ] ;then
export SSH_KEY_USER=${ssh_line##* }
ST_USER=`cat $HOME/.ssh/users | grep "${SSH_KEY_USER}" | awk '{print $2}'`
if [ -z "$ST_USER" ]; then
if [ -z "$users" ]; then
if [ `echo -e "$users" | sort | uniq -c | wc -l` == 1 ]; then
users=`echo -e "$users" | sort | uniq -c | awk '{print $2"("$1")"}' | xargs echo -e`
echo -e "[LoggedIn:$users] "
PS1='$(other_users_prompt)\u@\h:\w\$ '