How can I move tmux's status bar to the top? Can't find it on the man page.

2 Answers 2


Add set-option -g status-position top to ~/.tmux.conf. (See @ChrisJohnsen's comment above)

  • 2
    FYI - if you're using byobu (which in turn uses tmux) then edit ~/.byobu/.tmux.confif it exists
    – STW
    Commented Mar 27, 2015 at 17:32
  • I had to use set-window-option instead of set-option for it to work Commented Jun 14, 2018 at 7:16
  • this worked great. for some reason I expected the file to already be there, but it wasn't, so had to touch ~/.tmux.conf first (just in case it's unclear to someone else in the future)
    – Stachu
    Commented Feb 6 at 21:04

The feature request Michael Mrozek mentioned has been closed with the feature being available in the next release (1.7). The request says you can test it out now by building from SVN. If you use Homebrew on Mac OS X you could (theoretically) just do brew upgrade --HEAD tmux. Unfortunately I upgrade to Xcode 4.3 which seems to be missing autoconf/automake.

  • 22
    This is how it would look in ~/.tmux.conf: set-option -g status-position top (the default is bottom). Commented Mar 6, 2012 at 7:33

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