It depends at which stage crash takes place. It can be kernel problem, eg. wrong/conflicted parameters passed to it as an options in the grub config, or (most probable) problems with missed or wrongly configured system packages.
It also depends which init
system do you use. If it is openrc
then first step is to check /var/log/messages for errors, if you use rather systemd
then journalctl
command is your friend (here usually errors are marked red).
Of course dmesg | less
command can be helpful as well.
If your boot process stops and you cannot see X
(GUI) login screen then maybe it is just misconfigured Xorg/gnome/gdm/whatever. Then just hit ALT+CTRL+F1 to login at console. In case even that is not possible then you can try to boot linux as a single user, the so called rescue mode. Here are the steps to do that:
- At grub level select the kernel you want to boot, but instead of
enter hit 'e' (edit)
- Select the line starting with word 'kernel' and again hit 'e'
- Add letter 'S' at the end of the line
- Press ENTER and 'b' (boot)
You will now boot at very minimal system just to login as a root and get a few commands available to figure out what is going on with your gentoo.
and uncommenting the line that says:#rc_interactive="YES"
. Then, next time you boot up, hit I after it prompts you and you can manually control which services start. This might help you pinpoint where the crash occurs. As long as a logger daemon (metalog, syslog-ng, etc.) starts before the crash, there might also be some clues in your/var/log
directory. If it happens as soon as the XDM service starts, you might want to start looking for video card compatibility issues.