I already asked this question on stackoveflow, but received no answer and very few views. I thought I would post here as there should be more bash users and someone might have already stumbled upon this problem. According to SO Meta, it should be ok to do so as long as I link to the cross-website post. Tell me if I'm wrong though, and I'll just delete this question.
I tried to implement some features of ksh
path autocompletion in bash
by binding a custom script to a key. In order to do that, my script read the informations from bind
variables $READLINE_LINE
and attempts to update those values. While I can read the line buffer without issues, I can't seem to modify those variables and update the current line.
Quotting bind mand page, this should work though :
When shell-command is executed, the shell sets the READLINE_LINE variable to the contents of the readline line buffer and the READLINE_POINT variable to the current location of the insertion point. If the executed command changes the value of READLINE_LINE or READLINE_POINT, those new values will be reflected in the editing state
I bound my scipt with bind -x '"\t":autocomplete.sh'
, and did something like this :
echo $READLINE_LINE $READLINE_POINT #I can read the current line values
EXPANSION=($(magical_autocomplete $READLINE_LINE))
#we store the desired value for the line in ${EXPANSION[0]}
[[ ${#EXPANSION[@]} -gt 1 ]] && echo ${EXPANSION[@]:1} #we echo the match if there are more than 1
#echo READLINE_LINE READLINE_POINT echoes the correct values found by magical_autocomplete
#however the current line & the current point is not updated
As I am echo-ing some informations, I can't just redirect the ouptut of my script to $READLINE_LINE
in the bind
call. Why can I read from the variables but not write into them ?