Is there a way to find out for any given process with which parameters it was started?

2 Answers 2


To find what arguments were passed to pdnsd, I'd do:

[~]> pgrep -l pdnsd
1373 pdnsd
[~]> cat /proc/1373/cmdline 

(cmdline file entries are separated by null characters; use something like tr '\0' '\n' </proc/<pid>/cmdline to see more legible output.)

/proc/<pid>/ contains a lot of information.

  • Note that the command line can be overwritten by the program itself; certain pieces of software do this for benign reasons, usually to put useful human-readable information in the ps output, but also malign reasons like an exploit or rootkit trying to hide itself. Commented Jun 8, 2011 at 9:56
  • Way too complex. Why not just pgrep -a pdnsd? Commented Mar 9, 2018 at 3:47

For Linux, ps -ef yields the whole command line including the parameters.

For Solaris, things could be more problematic but you tagged the question with Linux...

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