Few weeks ago I thought it would be a good idea to write a script to send me an email whenever some user logs in into my server.

So I came with a perfectly working script notifyLogin.sh, then I decided to call it from each user's .bash_login script.

But I discovered that someone could log in in my server using ssh -t switch to select an available shell. For example:

ssh user@myserver -t sh

This way, .bash_login does not execute, neither does /etc/profile.

Is there any way to call notifyLogin.sh independent of shell type at log in? (It should always work)

6 Answers 6


Don't reinvent the wheel, let rsyslog do everything for you. It has the ability to send emails when patterns are matched in syslog messages before they ever hit a file.

Set your email address and SMTP server in the following and put it in your /etc/rsyslog.conf or drop it in /etc/rsyslog.d/ and restart rsyslog

$ModLoad ommail
$ActionMailSMTPServer localhost
$ActionMailFrom [email protected]
$ActionMailTo [email protected]
$template mailSubject,"Login Alert on %hostname%"
$template mailBody,"\n\n%msg%"
$ActionMailSubject mailSubject
$ActionExecOnlyOnceEveryInterval 1
# the if ... then ... mailBody mus be on one line!
if $msg contains 'session opened for user' then :ommail:;mailBody

This will fire off an email when rsyslog matches the string session opened for user in a message.

You can look in /var/log/auth.log for messages from sshd to see what else you can use as patterns.

Source: rsyslog ommail


First, you should not rely on user's .profile because they can change it. If it's really your server, you could:

  • test for entries in auth.log, utmp or so periodically (or triggered by inotify)
  • write a wrapper for /bin/login, that does your things and then executes the real /bin/login. (I am not quite sure if e.g. ssh executes /bin/login, but I expect so.) But I can't recommend that - it's too dangerous.

Keep track of attempts to your system

cat /var/log/auth.log grep sshd.\*Failed 

this can grep failed attempts, also timestamps is available so you can tune it to your script, also maybe with

tail -f /var/log/auth.log 

you can trace input all the time and then do some regexp.

  • 1
    This doesn't answer OP's question about sending an email when someone logs in
    – Creek
    Commented Jul 10, 2014 at 22:46
  • you can use the this command to get specific day ssh access sudo cat /var/log/auth.log | grep sshd | grep 'Oct 10'
    – Astm
    Commented Oct 10, 2019 at 7:44

I like @creek's solution from above, but with one small change:

if $msg contains 'session opened for user' then :ommail:;mailBody`


if $msg contains 'sshd:session' then :ommail:;mailBody`

If you simply use "session opened for user" you will get a message every time your cronjobs fire. For me at least, I just want to monitor SSH. You could adjust the conditional above to suit any other need.


Following @Creek answer; With rsyslog, to match multiple users (not the best implementation and can be probably replaced with regex, but it works)

$ModLoad ommail
$ActionMailSMTPServer localhost
$ActionMailFrom [email protected]
$ActionMailTo [email protected]
$template mailSubject,"Login alert on %hostname%"
# mailBody must be on one line!
$template mailBody,"\n\n%msg%"
$ActionMailSubject mailSubject
$ActionExecOnlyOnceEveryInterval 1

if $msg contains 'session opened for' then {
        if $msg contains 'USER1' then :ommail:;mailBody

        # Repetition required (did not investigate why)
        $ActionMailSMTPServer localhost
        $ActionMailFrom [email protected]
        $ActionMailTo [email protected]
        $template mailSubject,"Login alert on %hostname%"
        $template mailBody,"\n\n%msg%"
        $ActionMailSubject mailSubject
        $ActionExecOnlyOnceEveryInterval 1

        if $msg contains 'USER2' then :ommail:;mailBody

I know this is old but I wrote something to monitor successful and failed ssh connections/attempts. As well as banned IPs if you're using sshguard. I wrote it in Python and in Ruby. It will email you when someone successfully connects via ssh, when someone gets the ssh password wrong or when someone is banned due to to many failed attempts. Hopefully this will help someone in the future who searches for this issue and finds my code!

Python Implementation:


Ruby implementation:


For the python script, I wrote a bash script to monitor the process. It checks if it's running every minute via root cron task. If it is not running, it starts another process.

Bash script:



if [[ `ps aux | egrep --color -i "root.*[0-9]*:[0-9]* sudo /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/SSHMonitor.py" | wc -l` < 1 ]]; then
  sudo /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/SSHMonitor.py -e "[email protected]" -p "password" &

if [[ `ps aux | egrep --color -i "root.*[0-9]*:[0-9]* sudo /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/SSHMonitor.py" | wc -l` > 1 ]]; then
  sudo kill -9 `ps aux | egrep --color -i "root.*[0-9]*:[0-9]* sudo /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/SSHMonitor.py" | awk '{print $2}'`;

Which is called by this root cron task every minute:

[anthony@ghost ImageCapturePy]$ sudo crontab -l
[sudo] password for anthony: 
* * * * * /bin/bash /home/anthony/.ssh/is_sshm_running.sh
  • If the exact same answer works for different questions, then it is likely the questions are duplicates. In that case you should flag the duplicate question accordingly. Commented Apr 6, 2017 at 20:32

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