I've been running 64-bit Linux Mint Cinnamon for a couple of years now on my current hardware. I upgraded to Qiana a month ago and hadn't had any problems with it.
This morning my machine locked up when I accidentally loaded a huge file via a python script that was apparently too big to fit in memory. I couldn't even get to a tty and had to hard reboot. The machine came back up, but now my desktop and all applications are stretched horizontally maybe 50 pixels, which looks ghastly and will seriously interfere with web development work.
The login screen looks fine. Adjusting the horizontal size and position of my ViewSonic monitor display via the monitor itself doesn't affect the application stretching. I have an Intel 4 Series integrated graphics controller with no proprietary drivers. I haven't manually installed or updated any new packages for at least a week, although I do run unattended-upgrades
for security repos.
$ xdpyinfo | grep dimensions
dimensions: 1600x1200 pixels (423x318 millimeters)
See here for /var/log/Xorg.0.log