I would try and make use of xbindkeys
to run a command/script when certain keys are pressed.
To start you can insruct xbindkeys
to generate a template config file like so:
$ xbindkeys --defaults > /home/saml/.xbindkeysrc
Then open the resulting config file in any editor and add a line like so:
"nautilus --browser /home/saml/projects/path/to/some/dir"
Mod4+shift + q
Then kill and restart xbindkeys
so that it'll reload the modifications in the config file:
$ killall xbindkeys
$ xbindkeys
Now with this running any time I type Mod+Shift+Q Nautilus will open with the corresponding folder opened.
The above can easily be modified so that any script or command could be run instead of the above. This is just an example to illustrate the approach and to get you started.
in them. You'll find dozens of examples showing you what you want. If you need something additional from those then I'd rephrase this Q to express the additional criteria. unix.stackexchange.com/search?q=user%3A7453+xdotool