I'd look to use an application to do this. Here are 2 ways that I've used on Fedora and CentOS in the past, but I would assume that both these approaches would work for Arch as well.
Is an applet that runs in your GNOME taskbar.
- You can download the RPM from here for various Fedora/CentOS versions.
- The main site for it is here.
- The main github tree is here.
Shell script
Here's a bash script that will cycle through a list of images.
#Default values
#Wallpaper names
fnme=('wp1.jpg' 'wp2.jpg' 'wp3.jpg')
let bck=$fin-1
#Exit if the script is already running, just in case
#Got this part of script somewhere in this forum
if pidof -x $(basename $0) > /dev/null; then
for p in $(pidof -x $(basename $0)); do
if [ $p -ne $$ ]; then
echo "Script $0 is already running: exiting"
#This is where the desktop wallpaper changes
for (( i=0;i<$fin;i++ )); do
sleep $time #wait for $time second(s)
gconftool-2 --type string --set /desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename $pictdir/${fnme[${i}]}
if [ $i -eq $bck ]; then
let i=-1
It makes use of gconftool-2
. I haven't tried this on CentOS 6.x yet so it might require some tweaking, but I have used it on Fedora and CentOS 5.x. The script is courtesy of this linuxquestions thread.
Available here. Haven't tried it but it's purported to work on GNOME 2 & 3
. There's a nice review of Wallch here.
With either of these approaches you can simply point them into your DropBox synced folder where the images are being kept. I use something similar using SparkleShare to sync my wallpaper images across my various systems.