I have a lot of directories and sub-directories. I want to recursively remove one specific file from a directory if it's the only one there. Also assume that there are no sub-directories in that directory. So, to summarize, the assumptions are:
- The file name is README.TXT (case insensitive)
- There are no other files or directories in the directory where that file is found
mkdir usecase
cd usecase
mkdir destroy_this
touch destroy_this/readme.txt
mkdir do_not_destroy_this
touch do_not_destroy_this/readme.txt
touch do_not_destroy_this/something-else.txt
mkdir do_nothing
cd do_nothing
mkdir rm_this
touch rm_this/README.TXT
cd ..
mkdir do_nothing_here
cd do_nothing_here
mkdir has_sub_dir
cd ..
Running the above would results in this tree structure:
$ tree .
`-- usecase
|-- destroy_this
| `-- readme.txt
|-- do_not_destroy_this
| |-- readme.txt
| `-- something-else.txt
|-- do_nothing
| `-- rm_this
`-- do_nothing_here
|-- has_sub_dir
This is what I've got so far:
find . -type f -iname "readme.txt" -exec sh -c 'ls $(dirname "{}") | wc -l' \;
The idea is that I count the number of files and directories and if it's one then remove the file.