Something strange happened with my Downloads directory on my Mac OSX v 10.7.5. All of a sudden I wasn't permitted to save anything to the directory. The directory is in users/kelly/ and is the only one in that directory which doesn't have myname as the owner and group, instead it's root wheel:
drwxr-xr-x 104 root wheel 3.5K Jan 1 20:55 Downloads/
When I try to change permissions with chown, ie:
kelly@kellys-MacBook-Pro:~$ chown -R kelly:kelly Downloads/
I get this response:
chown: Downloads//ftp/incoming: Operation not permitted
chown: Downloads//ftp: Operation not permitted
chown: Downloads/: Operation not permitted
When I try to just delete the whole directory it says permission denied. My reasoning here was that I could just delete the whole thing and make a new downloads directory.
What's the deal? That ftp thing seems scetchy but I really don't know where to go from here... Thanks so much for you time!