I have a couple of files in a directory:

$ ls | wc -l

Can anybody explain why there is such a huge time difference in using ls * and ls?

$ time ls > /dev/null
real    0m0.118s
user    0m0.106s
sys     0m0.011s


$ time ls * > /dev/null
real    1m32.602s
user    0m0.233s
sys     0m0.438s

okay, this is a drastic example and maybe enhanced because the directory is on a general parallel file system (GPFS). But I can also see a significant slowdown on a local file system.


$ time ls -l > /dev/null
real    0m58.772s
user    0m0.113s
sys     0m0.452s
$ time ls -l * > /dev/null
real    1m19.538s
user    0m0.252s
sys     0m0.461s

and I should add that in my example there are no sub directories:

$ diff <(ls) <(ls *)

1 Answer 1


When you run ls without arguments, it will just open a directory, read all the contents, sort them and print them out.

When you run ls *, first the shell expands *, which is effectively the same as what the simple ls did, builds an argument vector with all the files in the current directory and calls ls. ls then has to process that argument vector and for each argument, and calls access(2)¹ the file to check it's existence. Then it will print out the same output as the first (simple) ls. Both the shell's processing of the large argument vector and ls's will likely involve a lot of memory allocation of small blocks, which can take some time. However, since there was little sys and user time, but a lot of real time, most of the time would have been spent waiting for disk, rather than using CPU doing memory allocation.

Each call to access(2) will need to read the file's inode to get the permission information. That means a lot more disk reads and seeks than simply reading a directory. I do not know how expensive these operations are on your GPFS, but as the comparison you've shown to ls -l which has a similar run time to the wildcard case, the time needed to retrieve the inode information appears to dominate. If GPFS has a slightly higher latency than your local filesystem on each read operation, we would expect it to be more pronounced in these cases.

The difference between the wildcard case and ls -l of 50% could be explained by the ordering of inodes on the disk. If the inodes were laid out successively in the same order as the filenames in the directory and ls -l stat(2)ed the files in directory order before sorting, ls -l would possibly read most of the inodes in a sweep. With the wildcard, the shell will sort the filenames before passing them to ls, so ls will likely read the inodes in a different order, adding more disk head movement.

It should be noted that your time output will not include the time taken by the shell to expand the wildcard.

If you really want to see what's going on, use strace(1):

strace -o /tmp/ls-star.trace ls *
strace -o /tmp/ls-l-star.trace ls -l *

and have a look which system calls are being performed in each case.

¹ I don't know if access(2) is actually used, or something else such as stat(2). But both probably require an inode lookup (I'm not sure if access(file, 0) would bypass an inode lookup.)

  • 2
    Good answer, I was just about to post a similar one :) But yeah, this is correct, it's all about efficiencies in the looping, with ls it can just ask the file system "what are the children of the inode for pwd" where as with ls * it has to ask "what are the children (and what is the file) of the inode a" followed by b, c, d, etc etc. One query vs many.
    – N J
    Commented May 5, 2011 at 7:18
  • @N J one query vs many is a good summary so far. @camh: thanks for the detailed answer. I posted the output of ls -l as well (still about 30 seconds less than ls *)
    – Sebastian
    Commented May 5, 2011 at 7:45
  • @Sebastian As camh stated, ls -l will take longer than ls as it has to stat(2) each file to get information about timestamps/owner information/permissions, etc.
    – N J
    Commented May 5, 2011 at 8:31
  • 6
    Don't forget, * globs to all entries in the current directory that don't start with a period -- including the names of subdirectories. Which will then be ls'ed. Commented May 5, 2011 at 9:00
  • @camh: I tested a bit more (see my edits) and found that: ls < ls -l < ls -l * < ls * (I always ran it three times). With your explanation, I don't understand why ls -l * is faster than ls *
    – Sebastian
    Commented May 5, 2011 at 11:55

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