From the command line, what is the easiest way to show the contents of multiple files? My directory looks like below.


Now I'd like to view the contents of all files except .htaccess. It might look something like:

Contents of file WtCgikkCFHmmuXQXp0FkZjVrnJSU64Jb9WSyZ52b.

Contents of file xdIwVHnHY7dnuM9zcPDYQGZFdoVORPyMVD2IzjgM.


I think this should be doable with a combination of find, xargs and cat, but I haven't figured out how. Thanks for your time!


5 Answers 5


The standard head command and some implementations of tail print a header with the file name if you pass them more than one file argument (POSIX tail accepts only 0 or 1 file argument). To print the whole file, use tail -n +1 (print from the first line onwards, i.e. everything).

Here, it looks like you want to see every file except the single one whose name begins with a dot. Dot files are “hidden” under unix: they don't appear in the default output of ls or in a wildcard match. So matching every non-hidden files is done with just *.

tail -n +1 -- *

Or if your tail can't take more than one argument:

head -n 999999 -- *

(some head -n -0 -- * but that's not standard either).

The GNU implementation of head/tail also accept a -v/--verbose option that ensures the header is printed even when only one filename is given.

-- is needed to cover the cases where one of the file names begins with a -. Beware a file called - would still be taken by head / tail as meaning stdin. Using ./* would work around it but would mean the ./ prefix would be included in the header on output.

  • Short and sweet, thank you! Do you know where I can read about the -- modifier? Commented Apr 30, 2011 at 10:37
  • 2
    @Znarkus: -- to signify the end of options is a convention that most commands obey. E.g. tail -n +1 -- -f -g tells tail that -f and -g are files to read (operands) and not options. It's guideline 10 in the POSIX utility syntax guideline (a document intended for utility writers). I don't have a reading suggestion intended for end-users, I'd expect a good unix tutorial to cover it at some point. Commented Apr 30, 2011 at 10:50
  • Just a remark, because many other answers propose to use find, but then use some exec with print formatting: A simple way to use find and tailis: find . -type f -print0 -name "*" | xargs -0 tail -n +1 -- (-print0 and xargs -0 and the -- ensure that the command also works with filenames with spaces or starting with -)
    – IanH
    Commented Dec 8, 2019 at 10:41

You can do it all in one with find:

$ find . -type f -not -name .htaccess -printf "\n%p\n" -exec cat {} \;

That tells find to find all files (-type f) in the current directory (.) except (-not) one named .htaccess (-name .htaccess). Then it prints (-printf) a newline followed by the filename (%p), and then runs cat on the file (-exec cat {} \;). That will give you output like:

Line 1

Line 1

Line 1
Line 2
Line 3

If you do this often it might be worth sticking it in a shell script or a function; I have one named cats that does exactly that:

for filename; do
    echo "\033[32;1m$filename\033[0m"
    cat "$filename"

It loops over each filename argument, prints out the filename (in bold green), and then cats the file:

Example screenshot

So then the command would just be:

$ find . -type f -not -name .htaccess -exec cats {} \+
  • The other was shorter, so accepted that. Excellent answer though, thank you! Commented Apr 30, 2011 at 10:37
  • -exec can be used multiple times, I find this one more readable/tweakable: find . -type f -exec echo === {} === \; -exec cat {} \;
    – mvorisek
    Commented May 16, 2021 at 8:39

To show content of all files in the current folder, try:

grep -vI "\x00" -- *

and similar, but recursively:

grep -vIr "\x00" -- .

The format would be: filename: content.

To have similar format as suggested, it would be:

grep -rvl "\x00" -- * | while read file; do printf "\n\n#### $file ####\n"; cat $file; done

Side notes:

  • Using NUL (\x00) in above examples prevents displaying binary files (which -I is actually doing, but we've to still use some pattern).
  • Using wildcard (*), it automatically ignores hidden files such as .htaccess.

See also: grep: display filename once, then display context with line numbers at Unix SE

  • 2
    Usually grep -r ^ is enough.
    – catpnosis
    Commented Apr 8, 2016 at 18:48

You can use this:

cat $(find Directory/ -not -name *.htaccess)

If you want too print it recursively use (for files with .sql extension, for example):

find -name "*.sql" -exec cat {} \; > all.sql

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