OS is Centos 6.5 64-bit

I downloaded a tar file and wanted to untar and mv it.

I untared, then accidentally (as root) ran mv folder/* /* instead of mv folder/* . bash said it couldn't overwrite some files, then asked permission for others. I ctrl-c'd out.

I've left terminal session open, but have exited su.

Now I've lost access to most shell commands, can't ls any directories and can't get back to su.

The webserver and services still seem to be running. I can run very few commands, cd is one of them and when I try to cd to /etc or /bin it errors with no directory found.

EDIT Just noticed all folders missing from / (bin,etc,lib64,root,sbin) got moved to /var directory, I tried /var/bin/su & get: -bash: /var/bin/su: /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2: bad ELF interpreter: No such file or directory

  • 1
    Can't you run /var/bin/su directly?
    – Darkhogg
    Commented Apr 6, 2014 at 18:19
  • @Darkhogg /var/bin/su: user root does not exist I think we determined it can't be done because /etc is at /var/etc
    – webaholik
    Commented Apr 6, 2014 at 20:41

4 Answers 4


If your system has busybox installed, you can use this to put things back.

busybox is a binary with lots of standard utilities built into it. Things such as mv, sh, ls, etc.

From your comment on Pavel's answer, it sounds like everything ended up in /var. You can try doing /var/bin/busybox mv /var/{bin,etc,lib32,lib64,root,sbin,usr} /. That should get most of your system operational again. There are a few directories such as /tmp which also exist as /var/tmp, so you can't just move them. Hopefully those are the ones that mv complained about and they were left alone.


Getting a root shell

You also mentioned that you lost your root shell, and that su is giving you a ld-linux library error. You might be able to use the following:

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/lib64 /var/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 /var/bin/su

Note: Upon attempting this, it does not work. This is because su requires several files in /etc (passwd, pam.d, and others). If /etc were still intact, this would have a good chance of succeeding.


Without busybox

If you do not have busybox available, you might be able to use the same ld-linux trick as for su:

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/lib64 /var/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 /var/bin/mv /var/{bin,etc,lib32,lib64,root,sbin,usr} /


From a live CD

As discussed in the comments, if you've lost the root shell, you're pretty much stuck. Basically in order to fix this you need root privileges. The only way to get there is to have a utility such as su or sudo escalate your permissions (both of which are non-functional at this point), or hijack another program already running as root (depending on what's running, not likely possible).

This leaves the only option being a live CD. Once booted into a live CD (or live USB, or whatever), just mount the root volume, and move the affected directories out of /var back to their original home in /.

Synopsis of what happened

folder/* would have expanded out to something such as folder/foo and folder/bar.
/* would have expanded out to something like /bin /lib32 /lib64 /etc /home /root /var. Noting that /var is the last item.
So when the shell expanded out all those globs, it would have run something like this:

mv folder/foo folder/bar /bin /lib32 /lib64 /etc /home /root /var

As /var is the last item in the list, everything got moved into it.

Why /var/bin/su errors with /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2: bad ELF interpreter: No such file or directory

Almost all binaries in linux are dynamically linked against ld-linux. ld-linux is the library responsible for loading the other libraries needed by a binary. On your system this lives at /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2. Since this directory got moved, any dynamically linked executable will no longer work.

The reason busybox works is that busybox is statically linked. It does not use ld-linux.

  • Good idea. CentOS typically has a busybox installed because of initramfs, so that might work well. Commented Apr 6, 2014 at 7:18
  • busybox sounds like the perfect solution, unfortunately not installed, will after this is fixed...in the meantime, is there anyway to correct path for commands to execute /var/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 instead of /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2? This seems to be what is killing the commands in /var/bin
    – webaholik
    Commented Apr 6, 2014 at 7:28
  • @Patrick: Could you please add the information that also the command OP intended to use is wrong? I could then delete my answer as it's now (almost) redundant. Is it the right way to use stack exchange, by the way? Commented Apr 6, 2014 at 7:30
  • 1
    It's looking for several things in /etc which aren't there (/etc/passwd, /etc/nsswitch, /etc/pam.d, and probably more). For su to work, /etc must be back in it's original location. Unless you've got a root shell laying around, I think you're stuck :-(
    – phemmer
    Commented Apr 6, 2014 at 7:39
  • 2
    @user1296209 Once you get a livecd up, just mount the root volume and move those directories back. That should be all you need to get running again.
    – phemmer
    Commented Apr 6, 2014 at 7:44

mv folder/* ./* is wrong as well. You should be more careful about the semantics of the commands you run. The mv command with more than two arguments just takes all argument except the last one and moves the paths they point to into the directory specified in the last argument.

To move all directories (except hidden ones) from folder to the current directory, you should use:

mv folder/* .

You have broken your running system. Your shell and builtin commands continue to work. You will have to boot a live CD and move the directories back. I'm not aware of a bash builtin to move/rename files that would allow you to fix the situation without rebooting, see Patrick's answer for more details.

  • I didn't realize that: I can cd to /var/bin & /var/etc, looks like folders got moved to var, anyway I can move them back?...without livecd?
    – webaholik
    Commented Apr 6, 2014 at 7:06
  • I tried /var/bin/su & get: -bash: /var/bin/su: /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2: bad ELF interpreter: No such file or directory
    – webaholik
    Commented Apr 6, 2014 at 7:10
  • Aha... I'll fix up the answer. Commented Apr 6, 2014 at 7:13
  • what should my mv command have been to move all files and folders from folder to current directory?
    – webaholik
    Commented Apr 6, 2014 at 8:31
  • 1
    @user1296209: If you boot a live system, you certainly have root access on your life system. Your actual system is just a mounted partition with no special meaning for the live system. The only complication is that your / and /var directories may be on different partitions, in which case you have to mount both.
    – celtschk
    Commented Apr 6, 2014 at 8:38

I accidently moved /usr to /usr_old and everything went to hell. Luckily I stayed in the prompt and was able to execute the following command to restore the usr folder:

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr_old/lib64 /usr_old/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 /usr_old/bin/mv /usr_old /usr
  • Welcomme to U&L, was that the only command you type ? Please provide a more detailed procedure. (specially for a ten mont old question, there is no need to hurry)
    – Archemar
    Commented Feb 11, 2015 at 14:49
  • 1
    Yes after I typed that command everything was restored. Maybe I should mention that I was root during all this.
    – Mansehr
    Commented Feb 13, 2015 at 17:23

IMPORTANT If you're here, and have ran mv incorrectly, can't run shell commands, and folders missing from root directory (/), first of all, if you have SU, DO NOT exit SU until fixed, because you won't get it back. If you are remotely connected, if you disconnect, you will not be able to ssh, leave server alone, don't reboot - most running services should be OK. You can attempt one of the many solutions suggested by Patrick...however you'll likely need physical access if you screwed up like I did.

Once in front of the machine, I rebooted it. As expected, I did receive a kernel panic.

I thought this would be a pretty easy fix, insert livecd, enter rescue mode UP TO THIS POINT IT WAS EASY - then I had to try and mount my root directory. However I needed more than just a simple mount command.

This was because I, like many people, had an lvm file system, and this was the first time I've had to deal with a rescue like this. I had to search the web to see what I needed to do. I've consolidated that information to this post. Here was my process to fix my issue.

1)Inserted Centos_6.4_min cd

2)GUI interface asked what I wanted to do, chose Rescue

3)Rescue tried to mount current system, but indicated I had no Linux partitions

4)Chose to enter shell when option was given

At this point I tried many things to get system mounted, with no luck, I'm pretty sure these are all the steps I had to take (because of lvm):

5)Scanned my volumes,


6)Ran lvscan, showed all listed as "inactive"


7)load device module

modprobe dm-mod

8)change the volumes that exist to active

vgchange -ay

9)Ran lvscan again, now all items listed as "active"

10)Created mountpoint & mounted the logical partition

mkdir /mnt/root

mount /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 /mnt/root

11)Moved folders back (YOU may need others):

mv /var/{bin,etc,lib64,mnt,root,sbin} /



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