I know about vins command line operator but I need a version that works on multiple files .
For instance I have a stack trace file and would like it to open all of the files to the line in a different buffer
I know about vins command line operator but I need a version that works on multiple files .
For instance I have a stack trace file and would like it to open all of the files to the line in a different buffer
With the file:line - Allows you to open file:line and it does the right thing plugin, you can use
$ vim foo.c:123 bar.c:456
To go to line 3 on file1.txt and line 4 on file2.txt I do this:
vim -c ":e file1.txt|:3|:e file2.txt|:4"
This will open the specified files and to to the specified line (to wit: line 123) in all specified files:
vim -p +'tabdo 123' /path/to/somefile /path/to/some/otherfile
# search for searchable string in all the files
vim -c ':vimgrep /searchable/ `find . -type f \| grep -v .git \| grep -v .log`'
" if those bellow are set in ~/.vimrc you cycle back and forth with F5 and F6
" :vimgrep /$to-srch/ `find . -type f -name '*.pm' -o -name '*.pl'`
" F5 should find the next occurrence after vimgrep
map <F5> :cp!<CR>
" F6 should find the previous occurrence after vimgrep
map <F6> :cn!<CR>
From a .vimrc with more settings and explanations