I haven't done anything unusual to my hardware or kernel configurations (all default settings, fresh OS install, Linux kernel 3.11 TCP/IP stack) and I'm averaging about 3.83 million messages per second through TCP while I'm only averaging 0.75 million messages per second through UDP. This seems to completely defy what I expect of the two protocols.
What's the most likely cause for the drastic difference and how can I diagnose it on Ubuntu 13.10?
Recv Send Send Utilization Service Demand
Socket Socket Message Elapsed Send Recv Send Recv
Size Size Size Time Throughput local remote local remote
bytes bytes bytes secs. 10^6bits/s % S % S us/KB us/KB
87380 65536 64 10.00 1963.43 32.96 17.09 5.500 2.852
Socket Message Elapsed Messages CPU Service
Size Size Time Okay Errors Throughput Util Demand
bytes bytes secs # # 10^6bits/sec % SS us/KB
4194304 64 10.00 7491010 0 383.5 28.97 24.751
212992 10.00 1404941 71.9 25.03 21.381
For this test I have two test servers that are identical and directly connected via a 10G crossover cable. The NICs used in this case are Intel X520's with out-of-box configurations and connected onto a PCIe 3.0 x8 slot on the motherboard, which communicates with the CPU via a NUMA controller.
for the benchmarks, UDP_STREAM and TCP_STREAM tests, fixed to same CPU, and 64 byte message sizes.