I successful set up my Server with froxlor, etc. but now I get errros with my mail delivery Agent because I use a '#' in my mysql-pw. I tried to escape it with a '\' but it doens't seem to work. :(
How can I change the /etc/dovecot/covecot-sql.conf.ext to make it working with my password with the special character (lets take as example pw "test#this)?
Mycurrent config:
driver = mysql
connect = host= dbname=froxlor user=froxlor password=test#test
default_pass_scheme = CRYPT
This is the error message:
dovecot: auth: Warning: Configuration file /etc/dovecot/dovecot-sql.conf.ext line 2: Ambiguous '#' character in line, treating it as comment. Add a space before it to remove this warning.