I'm trying to create an .sh script where if any keyword is found in a file then copy that file to the directory /pathtofolder/keywords/$thefirstkeywordfound (overwrite the file if it already exists). Any help would be appreciated with the copy code ( cp -rf filename /pathtofolder/keywords/$thefirstkeywordfound ) which is incorrect. It probably also needs a line of code to exclude the path it copies to (/pathtofolder/keywords/)

Note that I want to copy the file into a directory called /pathtofolder/keywords/$keyword, creating it if necessary.


3 Answers 3


There are various issues here. First, I have no idea what you're trying to do with IFS='\n' so I'll just ignore it. Second, you seem to be copying filename not a variable called filename and in any case, you are not setting it to anything.

If I understand what you are trying to do correctly, you are looking for something like this:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

## Pass the directory to search in as an argument, 
## easier to use and avoids including /pathfolder/
## as long as your run the script from a different
## directory.

## Destination directory

## Don't use capitalized variables in bash,
## environmental vars are CAPS and that could cause
## problems if you use something like $USER. 
keywords=("Florida" "FL" "Miami-Dade" "Aventura" "Bal Harbour" "Bay Harbor Islands")

## Find all files of the right size and pass their names
## to the while loop. Skip any files matching $dest
find "$dir" -size +1c -path "$dest" -prune -o  -type f -print0 | 

## This is to make sure it works with file names containing strange
## characters like newlines. If they don't, you can remove the -print0
## from find and simplify to `while read file name`
while IFS= read -r -d $'\0' filename
    for keyword in "${keywords[@]}";
        ## -m 1: stop at first match
        grep -qm 1 -Fw "$keyword" "$filename" && 

        ## Create a dir for the keyword if it does not exist
        mkdir -p "$dest"/"$keyword" &&

        ## copy the file if grep found a match (that's what && above means)
        cp -vf "$filename" "$dest"/"$keyword"/ &&

        ## move to the next filename if the copy succeds

Save the script somewhere, foo.sh and run it giving it the folder to be searched as an argument:

./foo.sh "/source/dir" "/target/dir"
  • I made an edit above explaining my current issues with your code. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
    – Guest
    Commented Mar 11, 2014 at 3:35
  • @Guest please don't edit my answer to ask for more information. Edit your post instead. You might want to have a look at our help center or take the tour to understand how the stack exchange sites work. Anyway, sorry and please see updated answer, I had a silly syntax error.
    – terdon
    Commented Mar 11, 2014 at 3:58
  • root@death:~# ./sort-miami.sh "/root/unsorted" "/root/sorted" grep: : No such file or directory grep: : No such file or directory grep: : No such file or directory grep: : No such file or directory grep: : No such file or directory grep: : No such file or directory grep: : No such file or directory grep: : No such file or directory grep: : No such file or directory
    – Guest
    Commented Mar 11, 2014 at 5:05
  • @Guest argh! I seem to have left the error in there again, sorry. Try again, make sure the while ends in filename and not in file name as I had it. It is correct now.
    – terdon
    Commented Mar 11, 2014 at 5:07
  • It works perfect. Just one more question sir. Will it copy the same file to multiple /paths/ example /sorted/fl /sorted/miami /sorted/florida or only one time for the first key word discovered... then the script will move onto the next file.
    – Guest
    Commented Mar 11, 2014 at 5:09

You can do that with a somewhat complex awk command:

timp@helez:~/tmp/cp_find_test$ ls
command.sh  command.sh~  test.1  test.2  test.3
timp@helez:~/tmp/cp_find_test$ cat test.1 
timp@helez:~/tmp/cp_find_test$ cat test.2
Random stuff
timp@helez:~/tmp/cp_find_test$ cat test.3
timp@helez:~/tmp/cp_find_test$ ./command.sh
cp -rf ./test.3 /pathtofolder/keywords/FL
cp -rf ./command.sh /pathtofolder/keywords/Florida
cp -rf ./test.1 /pathtofolder/keywords/Aventura
cp -rf ./command.sh~ /pathtofolder/keywords/Florida
timp@helez:~/tmp/cp_find_test$ cat command.sh
KEYWORDS=("Florida" "FL" "Miami-Dade" "Aventura" "Bal Harbour" "Bay Harbor Islands")
find . -size +1c -type f ! -exec grep -oHwF "${KEYWORDS[*]}" {} \; | awk 'BEGIN {FS=":"; last_line=""} {if (last_line!=$1) {print "cp -rf", $1, "/pathtofolder/keywords/"$2}; last_line=$1}'

I added a -o to your grep so that it would only print the matching parts of the line, and then used awk to build the cp commands.

The reason I didn't use -m 1 in grep instead of the if (last_line!=$1) {...}; last_line=$1 was because if there's multiple matches on the same line it would print them all out as separate lines:

timp@helez:~/tmp/cp_find_test$ ./command.sh
cp -rf ./test.3 /pathtofolder/keywords/FL
cp -rf ./command.sh /pathtofolder/keywords/Florida
cp -rf ./command.sh /pathtofolder/keywords/FL
cp -rf ./command.sh /pathtofolder/keywords/Miami-Dade
cp -rf ./command.sh /pathtofolder/keywords/Aventura
cp -rf ./command.sh /pathtofolder/keywords/Bal Harbour
cp -rf ./command.sh /pathtofolder/keywords/Bay Harbor Islands
cp -rf ./test.1 /pathtofolder/keywords/Aventura
cp -rf ./command.sh~ /pathtofolder/keywords/Florida
cp -rf ./command.sh~ /pathtofolder/keywords/FL
cp -rf ./command.sh~ /pathtofolder/keywords/Miami-Dade
cp -rf ./command.sh~ /pathtofolder/keywords/Aventura
cp -rf ./command.sh~ /pathtofolder/keywords/Bal Harbour
cp -rf ./command.sh~ /pathtofolder/keywords/Bay Harbor Islands
timp@helez:~/tmp/cp_find_test$ cat command.sh
KEYWORDS=("Florida" "FL" "Miami-Dade" "Aventura" "Bal Harbour" "Bay Harbor Islands")
#find . -size +1c -type f ! -exec grep -oHwF "${KEYWORDS[*]}" {} \; | awk 'BEGIN {FS=":"; last_line=""} {if (last_line!=$1) {print "cp -rf", $1, "/pathtofolder/keywords/"$2}; last_line=$1}'
find . -size +1c -type f ! -exec grep -m 1 -oHwF "${KEYWORDS[*]}" {} \; | awk 'BEGIN {FS=":"} {print "cp -rf", $1, "/pathtofolder/keywords/"$2}'

I Think you need more than a simple pipeline to do that. So, I propose something like this:

KEYWORD_PATTERN='Florida|FL|Miami-Dade|Aventura|Bal Harbour|Bay Harbor Islands'
find . -type f |
while read FNAME
    if grep -Ew -q "$KEYWORD_PATTERN" $FNAME
        KEYWORD=$(grep -Ew -o "$KEYWORD_PATTERN" $FNAME  | head -1)
        echo mv $FNAME /pathtofolder/keywords/$KEYWORD


This takes advantage of extended (-E) GNU grep flags, -w and -o. Without those two flags, you'd have to put something like a little Perl program that can break "words" out of lines of text, select a word that matches of the keywords and uses that as the file name.

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