A simple question, but I can't find the answer. the zsh documentation overwhelms me :-(

function z ()
  echo ${1:s/the/THE}

$ z thethethe


How can I get all 'the' to be replaced with 'THE', not just the first occurrence? With zsh it's the easiest things that seem to be the hardest to find examples for.

6 Answers 6


This is a history expansion modifier, so add the g modifier immediately before s.

print -r -- ${1:gs/the/THE}

Alternatively, use the parameter expansion syntax where a double slash means a global substitution. In this case, the part after // is a wildcard pattern, whereas history expansion substitution takes a literal string (unless the histsubstpattern option is enabled).

print -r -- ${1//the/THE}
  • Is it possible to write the syntax twice to apply two replacements in one line?
    – Niing
    Mar 18, 2023 at 9:02
  • 2
    @Niing In zsh, yes, you can write things like ${${var//up/down}//left/right} which replaces all occurrences of up by down and all occurrences of left by right. Mar 18, 2023 at 9:32

This should do the job:

print -r -- ${VARIABLE//the/THE}
  • I am not seeing a difference with and without the double dash in second position. What is the need for this? Apr 27, 2023 at 13:41

Thereyago, it had to be simple:

print -r -- ${1//the/THE}

... the double slash does it, and you can't fool around with " :s "

BTW, I'd sure like to thank the 'StackExchange' sites for existing. Of all the zillions of places one might ask a question, these are by far the best--one not only almost always gets answers, but those answers are invariably of the highest quality.


There are many answers, but none of them are comprehensive, so I felt like adding an answer that sums it all up.


If you are trying to uppercase the string, the simplest way is to use:

> str="thethethe"
> upper="$str:u"
> echo $upper

(Not part of the original question, but just in case) If you are trying to lowercase, the same goes for :l.

Replacing substrings

If you want to replace a single occurrence, use this:

> str="thethethe"
> echo ${str/the/man}

If you add an extra slash between the variable and the test to substitute, it will replace all the occurrences:

> str="thethethe"
> echo ${str//the/man}

Another option is to use the history modifiers, just like Gilles suggested:

> str="thethethe"
> echo ${str:gs/the/man}

// works perfect if you're only trying to replace a specific word to all caps while leaving the rest of it untouched. If you are trying to convert everything to uppercase, you can use ":u" on the variable

print -r -- $SOME_ENV_VALUE:u # outputs: THETHETHE

You can verify which modifiers you have available in the zsh expansion and substitution manual

man zshexpn

Or with

info zsh modifiers 

If you have the info pages installed.


Just want to help people and myself, since I just recovered from some accidental deletion:

readonly question="${@:2}"
question_json="${question//$'\n'/\\\n}"    # replace newline with: \n
question_json="${question_json//\"/\\\"}"  # replace double-quote with: \"
  • In zsh, which is the shell discussed in this Q&A, that replaces newlines with \\n, not \n. That ${@:2} is more ksh93 syntax. In zsh, you'd use $@[3,-1] or $argv[3,-1] (though it now supports the ksh93 syntax as well for compatibility with that shell). In zsh, that will join the elements with the first character of $IFS. If you wanted $question to have the 3rd to last positional parameters joined with a space character and with newlines replaced with \n and " with \", you'd do: question_json=${${(j[ ])argv[3,-1]//$'\n'/\\n}/\"/\\\"}. Mar 28, 2023 at 6:40
  • To do proper JSON encoding, you'd use something like jq: question_json=$(jq -n --arg a "${(j[ ])argv[3,-1]}" '$a') (here assuming positional parameters contain properly UTF-8 encoded text and no NUL characters). Mar 28, 2023 at 6:41
  • What is JSON anyway? Mar 30, 2023 at 1:48
  • 1
    @RayAndrews I'm not sure whether or not you already have an answer in mind because it's very much a common sense, but anyway I meant en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSON. I was building an app for ChatGPT and they require the data format to be written in JSON.
    – Niing
    Mar 30, 2023 at 16:58

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