How to switch between tabs (panels) in any window (i.e. setting windows for keyboard) in Linux Mint?
I use Ctrl+Tab in Windows.
I found out Ctrl+Pg Dn/Up work sometimes.
MINT 19.3
If it not work you can try
Alt+Page Up/Down
Ctrl+Pg Dn/Up
Use Alt+Page Up/Down. It would work on every Desktop Environment.
I use my mouse - hold right button and roll the wheel up/down.
From my Keyboard settings I found out that CTRL and (shift)TAB scroll right or left... and from here I tested and found that CTRL works with PgUp and PgDn too.
I love the shortcut used in Chromium (mouseover and roll wheel) and used EASYSTROKE to make it a system wide mousegesture/shortcut. Slightly improved now because I can press my right mouse button instead of moving the pointer over the tabs (less accuracy required makes for easier gestures).