I have a output from lstopo --output-format txt -v --no-io > lstopo.txt
for a 8-core node in a cluster, which is https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/13029929/lstopo.txt
The file is a text drawing of the node. It is too wide for both the terminal and gedit on Ubuntu of my laptop, and some of its right is moved by my laptop to the left and overlap the left part of the drawing. I wonder how I can view the file properly? ( Added: I realize that I can view the drawing properly by uploading to dropbox and opening in Firefox, which zoom out the drawing properly. But open the local file in Firefox will mis-display the dash lines "-", and I wonder why? Other than Firefox, any software can also work on it?)
what does "PU P#" mean in each core "Core P#"? Why are their numbers not the same?
Does "L1i" mean a L1 instruction cache, and "L1d" a L1 data cache?
Why do L2 and L3 caches not have distinction between instruction cache and data cache? Is this common for computers?
What does "Socket P#" mean? Is the "socket" used for connection between the L3 caches and the main memory?
What does "NUMANode P# (16GB)" mean? Is it a main memory chip?
Does the drawing show that there are four cores sharing a main memory chip , and the other four cores sharing another main memory chip?
Is there not a main memory shared by all the 8 cores in the node? So is the node just like a distributed system with two 4-core computers without shared memory between them? How can the two 4-core groups communicate with each other?
Does "Machine (32GB)" mean the sum of the sizes of the two main memory chips mentioned in 6?
package. open-mpi.org/projects/hwlocsudo apt-get install hwloc