These messages can be eliminated through 1 of 3 methods, using just SSH options. You can always send messages to /dev/null
too but these methods try to deal with the message through configuration, rather than just trapping and dumping them.
Method #1 - install xauth
The server you're remoting into is complaining that it cannot create an entry in the user's .Xauthority
file, because xauth
is not installed. So you can install it on each server to get rid of this annoying message.
On Fedora 19 you install xauth
like so:
$ sudo yum install xorg-x11-xauth
If you then attempt to ssh
into the server you'll see a message that an entry is being created in the user's .Xauthority
$ ssh root@server
/usr/bin/xauth: creating new authority file /root/.Xauthority
Subsequent logins will no longer show this message.
Method #2 - disable it via ForwardX11
You can instruct the ssh
client to not attempt to enable X11 forwarding by inclusion of the SSH parameter ForwardX11.
$ ssh -o ForwardX11=no root@server
You can do the same thing with the -x
$ ssh -x root@server
This will only temporarily disable this message, but is a good option if you're not able to or unwilling to install xauth
on the remote server.
Method #3 - disable it via sshd_config
This is typically the default but in case it isn't, you can setup your sshd
server so that X11Forwarding is off, in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
X11Forwarding no
Of the 3 methods I generally use #2, because I'll often want X11Forwarding
on for most of my servers, but then don't want to see the X11....
Much of the time these message won't even show up. They're usually only present when you have the following entries in your $HOME/.ssh/config
file, at the top.
ServerAliveInterval 15
ForwardX11 yes
ForwardAgent yes
ForwardX11Trusted yes
GatewayPorts yes
So it's this setup, which is ultimately driving the generation of those X11..
messages, so again, method #2 would seem to be the most appropriate if you want to operate with ForwardX11 yes
on by default, but then selectively disable it for certain connections from the ssh
client's perspective.
It's generally ill-advised to run with ForwardX11 yes
on at all times. So if you're wanting to operate your SSH connections in the most secure manor possible, it's best to do the following:
- Don't include
ForwardX11 yes
in your $HOME/.ssh/config
- Only use ForwardingX11 when you need to via
ssh -X user@server
- If you can, disable
completely on the server so it's disallowed